人事部CATTI二级口译课程培训(MP3+讲义) 第16讲
日期:2014-07-22 10:17




主席先生: 中国代表团认真阅读了秘书长关于信息和通信技术促进发展的报告,对秘书长把信息和通信技术作为一种战略工具,用于增进联合国系统各项方案和技术合作活动的效率、效力和影响所做的努力表示赞赏1。//

中国代表团认为,在信息和通信技术战略中提到的电子管理、知识分享、加强服务、基础设 施、安全、能力建设和治理等问题非常重要,希望这一战略能够得到顺利执行。//

主席先生,我认真听取了其他国家在这个议题下的发言。各国对信息和通信技术促进发展的重要性有着 共同的认识,在信息和通信技术促进发展方面都取得了不同程度的进步。我为此感到鼓舞2。中国是一个发展中的大国,我们对于信息和通信技术促进发展的重要意义有着切身的感受。//

20多年前,中国政府制定了以经济建设为中心的方针,并决定把通信建设作为经济发展的起 点之一。中国政府清楚地认识到,只有抓住信息化发展带来的机遇,加快发展中国的信息技术、通信技术和网 络技术,并在经济、社会、科技、国防、教育、文化、法律等方面积极加以运用,才能保证中国经济发展的顺利进行3。//

在网络信息技术和开发方面,经过多年的努力,中国已建成了一个覆盖全国,以光缆为主、 卫星和数字微波为辅的大容量高速率的基础传输网络4。贯穿东西南北的"八纵八横"网格型光缆骨干网连接了 全部省会城市和90%以上的县市。//



随着中国加入世贸组织,电信业务领域已经对外开放。中国信息和通信技术的发展为增强国家 经济实力、国防实力,提高人民生活水平做出了突出贡献。//

主席先生, 目前,信息和通信技术以及信息产业已经渗透到中国社会经济生活的各个方面,在改善社会信息服务、提高人民群众生活质量方面发挥着重要作用。信息和通信技术也为中国的国家宏观调控、经济运行 和经济安全提供了先进的作业手段和网络技术保障。//

它们对推动传统企业技术改造,提高劳动生产率,促进以信息化带动工业化发挥了重要作用, 产生了明显的经济效益和社会效益6。与此同时,信息产业自身也在事业的发展中取得了很好的收益。中国的 信息产业增加值在2002年占国内生产总值的比重达到5.7%。//

主席先生,利用信息和通信技术促进发展,消除数字鸿沟需要国际社会的共同努力。将于今年12月在日内瓦和2005年在突尼斯举行的信息社会问题世界首脑会议提供了一个很好的机会,各国可以共商如何更好地通 过资金援助、技术转让、能力建设等方式,帮助发展中国家利用信息和通信技术促进发展,从而争取实现千年 发展目标。中国愿意与国际社会一起为此进行积极的努力。谢谢主席先生。//


Mr. Chairman,

The Chinese Delegation has studied attentively the report of the Secretary-General on information and communication technologies for development. We appreciate the initiative of the Secretary-General to use information and communication technologies as a strategic tool to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of the programs and technical cooperation activities of the United Nations system. //

The Chinese Delegation believes that elements included in the Information and Communication Technology Strategy such as e-management, knowledge sharing, better services, infrastructure, security, capacity-building and governance are all very important. We hope that this strategy can be successfully implemented. //

Mr. Chairman,Statements made by speakers of different countries on this item reflect a consensus that information and communication technologies are of great importance to development. It is encouraging to note that these countries have made progress in varying degrees in using information and communication technologies for development. China is a large developing country and we have first-hand knowledge of the significance of information and communication technologies for development. //

Over two decades ago, the Chinese Government decided to take economic development as its priority state policy, using the construction of the communication system as a starting point. The Chinese government clearly realized that a steady economic growth can only be assured by making full use of the opportunities available in the age of information, accelerating the development of information, communication and network technologies, and energetically use these technologies in economic, social, science and technology, national defense, educational, cultural and legal fields. //

After years of hard work, China has established a high-capacity and high-speed basic transmission network covering the whole country composed mainly of optical fiber cable supplemented by satellite and digital microwave communication. Eight vertical lines running from north to south and eight horizontal lines running from east to west form a national optical fiber cable grid connecting all provincial capitals and over 90% of towns and counties. //

By the end of 2002, China already had 20.83 million computers with internet connection and the total number of netizens reached 59.1 million, ranking second in the world. However, compared with its total population, the internet users only account for 4.6%, which shows that the impressive number of users does not mean an extensive use of the internet by the general population and that there is huge space for further development. //

Marked progress has been made in developing and using communication technology in China. Communication network has been expanded from small to large capacity, from analog to digital technology, from single service to diversified services, thus meeting the basic needs of social and economic development in the information age. //

With China's entry into the WTO, the telecommunication sector has been opened to the outside world. The development of information and communication technologies in China has made an outstanding contribution to enhancing the national economic aggregate, reinforcing national defense and raising the people's living standard. //

Mr. Chairman,Information and communication technologies and the information industry have touched all economic and social sectors in China. They are playing an important role in rendering better information services to the society and improving the quality of life. Information and communication technologies have also provided an advanced operational means and the requisite network technology for China's macro economic control and its economic performance and security. //

They are major contributors to the transformation of traditional technologies in enterprises, improving labor productivity and accelerating industrialization through informationization, leading to good economic returns and social benefits. In turn, the information industry itself has benefited from the growth of business. In 2002, the added value of the information industry reached 5.7% of China's GDP. //

Mr. Chairman,To use information and communication technologies to promote development and eliminate the digital divide requires concerted efforts of the international community. The world summits on the information society to be held in Geneva in December this year and in Tunisia in 2005 are good opportunities for us to discuss how to better help, through financial aid, technology transfer and capacity-building, developing countries to use information and communication technologies for development so as to realize the millennium development goals. For this purpose, China is ready to work actively with the rest of the international community.Thank you, Mr. Chairman. //

口译讲评Comments on Interpretation

1. “对 表示赞赏”可译成 “we appreciate”或“we’ d like to express our appreciation for ”但若一时想不起最合适的词 也可以采用释义等其他变通方式来表达这一意思。例如还可将其译成 “we think highly of ” , “ deserves our admiration”, “we see something constructive / admirable / meaningful / inspiring in your ”等。所以说 在正确理解的基础上 翻译应该是很灵活机动的。只有摆脱源语外壳的束缚才会有自如的发挥和上乘的表现。

2.“我认真听取了其他国家在这个议题下的发言。各国对信息和通信技术促进发展的重要性有共同的认识,在信息和通信技术促进发展方面都取得了不同程度的进步。我为此感到鼓舞。”在翻译这几句话时,要注意到句与句之间隐性的逻辑联系。否则直接按照原文的断句和顺序译到英文后会让英文读者觉得牵强。所以我们先将这几句做以下分析:“我”从各国在该议题下的发言得知(1)各国就 已达成共识;(2)各国都在此方面取得了进步;这两点发现让我感到鼓舞。另外,在最后的译语表达环节,译员为了减轻听众理解的负担还要适当调整句子的长度和断句方式。此句最后译为:“Statementsmade by speakers of different countries on this item reflect a consensus that information and communication technologies are of great importance to development. It is encouraging to note that countries have made progress in varying degrees in using information and communication technologies for development.

3.“中国政府清楚地认识到,只有抓住信息化发展带来的机遇,加快发展中国的信息技术、通信技术和网络技术,并在经济、社会、科技、国防、教育、文化、法律等方面积极加以运用,才能保证中国经济发展的顺利进行。”在翻译此句时有两点需要考虑:一,英汉语在表达逻辑关系时顺序不同。汉语是先因后果,先条件后结果,讲求逻辑顺序;英语是先果后因,先结果后条件,讲求主次分明。二,汉语倾向于使用主动语态,而英语中较正式的表达多采用被动语态。此句建议译成:“The Chinese government clearly realized that a steady economic growth can only be assured by making full use of the opportunities available in the age of information, accelerating the development of information, communication and network technologies, and energetically use these technologies in economic, social, science and technology, national defense, educational,cultural and legal fields.

4. “在网络信息技术和开发方面,经过多年的努力,中国已建成了一个覆盖全国,以光缆为主、卫星和数字微波为辅的大容量高速率的基础传输网络。”在较长的汉语名词短语中,所有的定语修饰成分通常以一定的顺序排列在中心名词之前。在译成英语时,要考虑将前置的修饰成分按照其长短、与中心词关系的远近以名词定语、分词定语或定语从句的形式分别置于中心词前后。必要的时候还可断句来译。所以此句可译成:“After years of hard work, China has established a high-capacity and high-speed basic transmission network covering the whole country composed mainly of optical fiber cable supplemented by satellite and digital microwave communication.”

5. “中国通信技术的开发和利用取得了显著的进步,通信网已实现由小容量向大容量、模拟技术向数字技术、单一业务向多样化业务的跨越,基本满足了经济社会发展和信息化建设的需求。”在汉语表达中,有些形式上的主语实际上起的只是逻辑状语的作用。例如本句的第一个分句实际是说“中国在通信技术的开发和利用方面取得了显著的进步。”另外,在第二个分句中,通信网虽然做主 语,而实际上通讯网自己是无法主动完成种种改进的,是人们在通讯网方面实现了种种改进。所以在译成英文 时,要考虑到汉语表达的特殊性。本句可译成:“Marked progress has been made in developing and using communication technology in China. Communication network has been expanded from small to large capacity, from analog to digital technology, from single service to diversified services, thus meeting the basic needs of social and economic development in the information age.”

6.“信息和通信技术也为中国的国家宏观调控、经济运行和经济安全提供了先进的作业手段和网络技术保障,对推动传统企业技术改造,提高劳动生产率,促进以信息化带动工业化发挥了重要作用,产生了 明显的经济效益和社会效益。”汉语有时喜欢采用很长的排比形式来罗列类似或相关的事物。有时是词的排 比,有时是词组、短语的罗列,有时甚至是分句的排列。这给译员的记忆和翻译造成了不小的负担。所以在遇 到这种情况时,建议译员不要紧跟原文冗长的罗列和采取强制性记忆以及对应式翻译,而是首先对罗列的事项 进行分类,按照一定的逻辑关系进行分析性记忆,在翻译的过程中,可以将较长的罗列链按照理解习惯断开, 然后以几个分句或单句的形式分别表达。此句译为:“Information
and communication technologies have also provided an advanced operational means and the requisite network technology for China's macro economic control and its economic performance and security. They are major contributors to the transformation of traditional technologies in enterprises, improving labor productivity and accelerating industrialization through informationization, leadingto good economic returns and social benefits.”

  • performancen. 表演,表现; 履行,实行 n. 性能,本事
  • technicaladj. 技术的,工艺的
  • controln. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置 vt. 控制,掌管,支
  • consensusn. 共识,一致,合意 n. [生理]交感
  • cooperationn. 合作,协作
  • promotevt. 促进,提升,升迁; 发起; 促销
  • qualityn. 品质,特质,才能 adj. 高品质的
  • impressiveadj. 给人深刻印象的
  • initiativeadj. 创始的,初步的,自发的 n. 第一步,首创精神
  • outstandingadj. 突出的,显著的,未支付的