南南合作对于广大发展中国家具有不同寻常的意义。上个世纪六十年代,刚刚摆脱殖民统治的 发展中国家百业待兴。为实现发展与复兴,发展中国家联合自强,掀起南南合作的浪潮,不仅加深了发展中国 家之间的团结,促进了彼此的合作,而且增强了发展中国家在国际舞台上的力量,写下了光辉的一页。//
近年来,经济全球化迅猛发展,科学技术日新月异,极大地推动了生产力的发展,为人类社会 的进步带来了空前的机遇。然而,由于不公正、不合理的国际政治经济秩序继续存在,经济全球化带来的利益 并未得到公平分享,南北差距仍在持续扩大。发展中国家的经济发展受到严峻挑战。一方面,资金缺乏、技术 落后和债务沉重等传统问题继续制约着发展进程;另一方面,经济和金融动荡等新问题严重威胁着经济安全。 加强南南合作既是紧迫的现实需要,更是广大发展中国家的共同愿望。//
应当看到,经过多年的经济改革和调整,南方已今非昔比。广大发展中国家积极参与全球化进 程,成为世界经济中一支不可忽视的力量。许多发展中国家走适合本国国情的发展之路,取得显著进展。发展 中国家之间的经贸往来持续增长,区域合作方兴未艾。与此同时,南南合作的内容从单纯的政府间经济技术合 作向全方位经济合作拓展,合作的重点也从技术转让、人才培养向借鉴发展经验、加强能力建设、开展互补性 经贸合作等领域逐渐延伸。这些无疑为南南合作开辟了更广阔的发展前景。我们必需抓住机遇,巩固南南合作的阵地,开拓创新,共谋发展。//
词汇扩展 Vocabulary Development
政府优惠条件 government inducement
反托拉斯法 anti-trust law
多边投资协议 multilateral agreement on investment
金钱交易额 volume of money traded
金融机构 financial instrument
短期借入 borrow short
长期借出 lend long
自由贸易区 free trade zone
关税同盟 Customs Union
货币同盟 Monetary Union
弹性浮动汇率体系 flexible system of floating rates
市场主导 market dominance
自由资本主义 laissez-faire capitalism
资本流通 capital flow
外汇市场 foreign exchange market
低估价值 undervaluation
购买力 purchasing rights
国际收支 balance of payment(s)
特别提款权special drawing right (SDR)
贸易集团 trading bloc
间接税 indirect tax
金融工具 financial instrument
全球化 Globalization
金融市场结构 structure of the financial markets
全球公司 global corporations
子公司 subsidiaries
贫富差距 disparity in wealth between rich and poor
公平贸易行为 fair trading
平衡预算修正案 balanced budget amendment
货币流失 currency runs
严格的金融和财政政策 tight monetary and fiscal policies
Globalization has had a major influence on government behavior. The extent to which government in different political systems accepted the rules of globalization is quite remarkable. It has carried with it great benefits for China and for Asia, but, at the same time, has involved serious risks and costs.1
Globalization involves both the organization of industry and the structure of the financial markets.2 //
We have had global corporations for decades. Once, a global corporation with subsidiaries in a number of countries would have those subsidiaries organized as a mirror image of itself.3 While many international companies are still organized in this traditional manner, change is under way and corporations who move too slowly will be left behind. //
Now a globalized company will have quite a different structure. The products or services may be the same. But instead of separating national units in different countries, there will be only one selling unit---the world. Some aspects of corporate activity will obviously be organized locally but the main frame ofthe corporation will be organized on a global basis, sourcing different production components from the best current source. //
The new global organization of industry has consequences for social policy.4 Many governments would have conducted policies designed to see that workers gained a fair share of the returns of an enterprise. With the globalization of industry, such policies are much more difficult to sustain. Governments now tend to arguer for lower wages, for smaller workforces, to maximize the competitiveness of their particular country as a home for global investment.5 //