Our many friends around the world share the anguish of all Americans about the revelations of abuse that recently occurred at the Abu Ghraib military prison. I can tell you straight from my heart: we will deal with this. We will see that justice is done. The President has expressed an apology on behalf of the nation. We will reinforce that apology. //
I can tell you as a former soldier of 35 years service to the United States that what we have seen is deeply disturbing. It was also inconsistent with what I have seen during my years as a soldier. Those detainees in our custody, no matter their guilt or innocence, should never have been subject to such abuse. //
We are not hiding from what happened. The senior leadership of the Department of Defense has been before the U.S. Congress, in open hearings, to answer questions before the world. Six separate investigations have been directed by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. //
America's strength will be demonstrated in our response to these allegations. We will set an example of openness and accountability in ensuring that those responsible are held accountable and that such abuses do not happen again. The world will see that we are a nation of justice, and the values that we have always held dear will be the values that we will follow to make sure that justice is done in this instance.//
尊敬的安南秘书长, 尊敬的特普费尔博士, 尊敬的瑞利先生, 女士们、先生们:
今晚,我非常荣幸接受安南秘书长阁下亲自颁发的联合国环境署笹川环境奖。它表明联合国和 国际社会对中国在环境保护和可持续发展领域所做的努力和取得成就的充分肯定。这一荣誉不仅属于我个人, 更属于我的祖国和那些在平凡岗位上为保护中国环境作出贡献的全体同事们。//
我成为环保工作者的20年正是世界环保事业蓬勃发展之际,也是中国经济快速发展之时1。经 济快速发展带来了严峻的环境挑战,发达国家上百年出现、分阶段解决的环境问题,在中国短短的20多年中集 中表现出来,呈现复合型、压缩型的环境问题2。//
由于中国将环境保护作为一项基本国策,坚持实施可持续 发展战略,开展大规模污染治理和生态恢复,在经济快速发展的情况下,环境恶化加剧的趋势得到基本控制, 部分城市和地区的环境质量有所改善3。我有幸生活在这个伟大的时代,从事这一伟大的事业,并贡献了我最 美好的年华,为此,我感到无比自豪和光荣。//
Mr. Secretary-General Annan,Dr. Toepfer,Mr. Reilly,Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a tremendous honor to be here tonight to accept this year's UNEP Sasakawa Environment Prize from His Excellency Secretary-General Annan. I deem the awarding of this prestigious prize as recognition and affirmation by the United Nations and the international community of China's efforts and achievements in environmental protection and sustainable development. The honor is not just for me. It goes to my country and to all my colleagues who, by working tirelessly at their own positions, have contributed to the protection of the environment in China. //
I have worked in environmental protection for two decades. This period has witnessed vigorous advancement of the international environmental cause as well as remarkable development of the Chinese economy. Rapid economic growth has brought with it grave challenges to the environment. Problems that cropped up and were dealt with step by step in nearly a hundred years in developed countries befell China within twenty years--all of them enormously complex ones. //
The Chinese government, making environmental protection one of its basic national policies and sticking to the strategy of sustainable development, has carried out large-scale pollution control and treatment and ecological restoration efforts. It has succeeded in curbing, by and large, the trend of environmental deterioration and in improving the quality of the environment to some extent in a number of cities and regions while sustaining rapid economic growth. Fortunate enough to be living in such great times, I feel extremely proud and honored to have devoted the best of my years to the worthy cause of environmental protection. //