Globalization has had a major influence on government behavior. The extent to which government in different political systems accepted the rules of globalization is quite remarkable. It has carried with it great benefits for China and for Asia, but, at the same time, has involved serious risks and costs.1
Globalization involves both the organization of industry and the structure of the financial markets.2 //
We have had global corporations for decades. Once, a global corporation with subsidiaries in a number of countries would have those subsidiaries organized as a mirror image of itself.3 While many international companies are still organized in this traditional manner, change is under way and corporations who move too slowly will be left behind. //
Now a globalized company will have quite a different structure. The products or services may be the same. But instead of separating national units in different countries, there will be only one selling unit---the world. Some aspects of corporate activity will obviously be organized locally but the main frame of the corporation will be organized on a global basis, sourcing different production components from the best current source. //
The new global organization of industry has consequences for social policy.4 Many governments would have conducted policies designed to see that workers gained a fair share of the returns of an enterprise. With the globalization of industry, such policies are much more difficult to sustain. Governments now tend to arguer for lower wages, for smaller workforces, to maximize the competitiveness of their particular country as a home for global investment.5 //
Accompanying these changes we find a growing disparity in wealth between rich and poor in may countries. This may not matter so much if the poor were also becoming better off compared to their own earlier standards but in many cases this is not so. Even in wealthy countries, some workers are paid a wage which could not support even the smallest of families. In this day, if that is what the market determines, then that is what must happen. //
It has long been recognized that6 a fair and competitive market place is a rare thing---an equal number of suppliers, an equal number of buyers, all of the same financial strength. Such situations do not exist. That is why anti-trust legislation was born. It is why fair trading practices were put in place. With the internationalization of trade and commerce, with the globalization of corporations, such national rules to preserve fair trading are no longer effective. //
For the most part there are no international rules. Where there has been an attempt to establish such rules, they often have a rather different purpose. For example the European Union sought to promote a multilateral agreement on investment. If it had been accepted, it probably would have reduced the authority of nationalgovernments even further and given global corporations and even more influential position. //
In today's world, governments must fashion their policies7 to meet the wishes of the international market-place.
There are fundamental differences from earlier times.
The global organization of industry in which national boundaries become irrelevant is certainly new.8 Information technology can operate much faster and with more devastating effect than the old cable system of the last hundred years. This has led to an explosive growth in financial markets. //
The volume of money traded each day is huge. It dwarfs the funds needed to finance trade and normal commerce between nations.9 It is far more important in determining the value of a currency than is the impact of finance for trade or for investment. In one day, trade in financial instruments of one kind or another can be sufficient to finance world trade and investment for an entire year. //
Through modern communications, this finance has great mobility. And as Peter Drucker put it in an article in Foreign Affairs: "It serves no economic function and finances nothing. This money also does not follow economic logic or rationality. It is volatile and easily panicked by rumor or unexpected events."10//
Peter Drucher also pointed out that in 1995 when the United States senate failed to pass a balanced budget amendment, that the world's currency traders panicked and started a run on the US dollar which they believed was already undervalued at least 10% against the Japanese yen. At that time, the dollar fell from 106 yen to less than 80 yen in two weeks. //
The central banks of the United States, England, Germany, Japan,Switzerland and France, tried to reverse the trend but failed, losing billions in the attempt. It took the dollar more than a year to climb back to its original undervalued rate. //
(Excerpts from the speech delivered by The Right Hon. John Malcolm Fraser, former prime minister of Australia at CPPCC's "21st Century Forum")
口译讲评 Comments on Interpretation
1. "It has carried with it great benefits for China and for Asia, but at the same time, has involved serious risks and costs."在处理此句译文时,译者将原文的主语"it (Globalization)"作为译语中的地点状语,而将原文的宾语作为译语中的主语。这主要是出于汉语表达习惯的考虑,因为汉语中虽可以说"给某某带来利益和风险"却不说"给某某带来巨大代价"。另外,"involve"不能简单译为:"牵连,包含",而应该视其所引出的宾语来决定它的汉语对应词。所以该句译为:"中国和亚洲从全球化的机遇中获取了巨大的利益,同时也付出了巨大的代价,面临着巨大的危险。"
2. "Globalization involves both the organization of industry and the structure of the financial markets." 该句中 "involve"一词同样不能如上例所示就其表面意思直接译成汉语。根据下文,更合适的译法为:"席卷(了产业组织)";而接下来的宾语 "the structure of the financial markets" 似乎又不能与 "席卷" 搭配, 所以建议译成"渗透(金融市场结构)"。"席卷"和"渗透"用以形容水流的不同状态,但二者都体现了"全球化"无处不在的巨大影响。
3. "Once, a global corporation with subsidiaries in a number of countries would have those subsidiaries organized as a mirror image of itself."英语的一大特点是用多而长的后置定语。译成汉语时通常将其转换为主谓结构的状语从句来与后面的内容相衔接。在本例中,"corporation"的后置定语被译成了时间状语从句:"当一家全球性的公司在许多国家设立子公司时",本句中的"mirror image"可理解为母公司按自己的模式组建其子公司,使子公司的经营模式与母公司看起来大同小异。所以可译成:"这些子公司通常是其母公司的小型翻版。"
4. "The new global organization of industry has consequences for social policy." 句中的"consequences"意为"影响",即在某方面可能产生的后果或效果。此句译为:"新的产业全球化组织对社会政策也产生了影响。"
5. "Governments now tend to arguer for lower wages, for smaller workforces, to maximize the competitiveness of their particular country as a home for global investment."建议译为:"现在,政府倾向于主张降低工资,缩小劳动力的规模,以便最大化地提高本国的竞争力以吸引全球投资。"其中,"argue for"在字典中的意思是"give reasons for something especially with a purpose of persuading somebody",所以译为"主张"。而"lower wages" 和"smaller workforce"则译为"降低工资"和"缩小劳动力规模"而不是译成"较低的工资"和"较小的劳动力规模"。这样不仅符合汉语重谓语动词的语言习惯,也突出文中强调的是政府的行动而不是已有的状态。"As a home for global investment"译成汉语后也变为主谓形式即:"以吸引全球投资"。英译汉中经常出现"转性译法" 例如:" Gulf war is a drain on American resources" 译为:"海湾战争不断消耗着美国的资源。"
6."It has long been recognized that " 译为:"人们已经认识到 "。这是因为:英语多用形式主语,而汉语多用逻辑主语;再则英语多用被动语态,汉语则多用主动语态。所以英语中这种采用形式主语的被动语态常通过"增词法"译成汉语 中的主动语态。
7."...governments must fashion their policies " 本句中 "fashion" 一词的含义是 "give form or shape to something; design or make something",所以此处译为:"制定"。
8. "The global organization of industry in which national boundaries become irrelevant is certainly something new."本句中,"become irrelevant"的表面意思是"变得毫无意义,无关紧要。"在文中译作前置定语:"摒弃了国家界限的全球产业组织 "
9. "The volume of money traded each day is huge. It dwarfs the funds needed to finance trade and normal commerce between nations."在口译此句时,译者采用了"合句法",即把多个英文句子按照逻辑关系组成一个完整的汉语句子:"每天交易的金钱数额极为庞大,远远超过了国家间金融贸易和正常商业关系所需要的资金量。"英文是形合语言,通过语言形式表达句子之间的联系。这一特点在语言上的反映就是大量地使用代词和连词。所以本句在口译时可把第二句中的代词"it"去掉,将第二句变为一个分句,通过汉语意合的 特点体现两个分句之间的联系。"Dwarf"的意思是"make something seem small by contrast",在这里译为:"远远多于";"finance" 意思是"provide money for, fund",在这里可略去不译,因"所需资金"自然已包含这层意思。
10. "It is volatile and easily panicked by rumor or unexpected events." 该句中的"panicked"原意为"受惊的,恐慌的"这里用来形容货币的动荡,译为:"受影响而波动"。
全球化对政府行为有着重要的影响。不同政治体系下的政府对全球化规则的接受程度有着巨大 差别。中国和亚洲从全球化的机遇中获取了巨大的利益,同时也付出了巨大的代价,面临着巨大的危险。
全球性公司的产生已有几十年的历史了。当一家全球性的公司在许多国家设立子公司时,这些 子公司通常是其母公司的小型翻版。现在,许多国际公司仍然遵循这一传统的组织模式,但变化正在发生,行动缓慢的公司将被甩在后面。//
现在的全球性公司将具有完全不同的结构。其产品和服务或许不变,但是它的销售单位不再以 国别划分,而且销售单位只有一个—即全世界。虽然公司的某些活动要由各地的子公司组织,但公司的总框架 则在全球基础上建立,从现有的最佳资源中获得不同的生产要素。//
伴随着这些变化,我们发现,在许多国家中贫富差距日益扩大。如果贫困人口现在的生活水平比从前有所改善,那么贫富差距可能还算不上是个严重的问题,但实际情况却往往并非如此。即使在富裕国 家,许多劳动者得到的工资连一个最小规模家庭的生活都难以维持。今天,如果一切都要由市场来决定,那么 这就是必然的结果。//
人们早已认识到这样一个事实,即:一个完全公平竞争的市场是不可能存在的。同等数量的供 应商、同等数量的购买商以及相同的经济实力,这种情况不可能存在。这是反托拉斯法之所以产生的原因,也是需要推进公平贸易行为的原因。但随着贸易和商业的国际化,这些保证公平贸易的国家准则已不再适用了。//
在多数情况下,国际准则并不存在。建立国际准则的努力往往隐含着另一个截然不同的目的。 例如,建立欧洲联盟的目的是为了促进在投资方面的多边协议。如果这一多边协议被接受,有可能进一步削弱 各国政府的权威,并使全球性的公司处于更加有影响力的位置。//
当今世界,政府政策的制定必须满足国际市场的愿望。 这与过去的情况有着本质的区别。摒弃了国界限制的全球性产业组织自然是一件新生事物。新信息技术与过去100多年里使用的 旧的有线系统相比,操作速度大大加快,效率也得到了极大地提高。这导致了金融市场的爆炸性增长。//
每天的货币交易额极大,远远超过了国家间金融贸易和正常商业关系所需要的资金量。与金融 对贸易或投资的影响相比,每天达成的较庞大的货币交易额对决定一种货币的价值具有更为重要的意义。某一 种金融证券一天完成的交易额也许足够支付世界贸易和投资一整年所需的资金量。//
借助于现代通讯手段,这类资金具有极大的流动性。正如彼得•杜拉克在《外交季刊》 上刊登的一篇文章中指出的那样:"它没有实际的经济作用,也不具体资助什么。这类资金不遵循任何经济逻辑,也不具有理性。它很不稳定,极易受流言 和突发事件的影响而波动。" //
彼得•杜拉克还指出,1995年,由于美国参议院没有通过一项平衡预算修正案,全世界 外汇交易商们惊恐万状,他们认为,美元对日元的汇率实际已低了10%。于是,在两个星期之内,美元对日元 的比价从1比106降到了不足1比80。美国、英国、德国、日本、瑞士和法国的中央银行想扭转这种不良趋势,但没有成功,而且还 损失了几十亿美元。一年多以后,美元对日元的比价才恢复到了原先偏低的水平。//