人事部CATTI二级口译课程培训(MP3+讲义) 第20讲
日期:2014-07-26 13:23




我是本着坦诚负责、信任、合作的精神,前来参加这个会议的1。我将向东盟领导人通报中国 的疫情和防治工作中的主要经验教训,介绍中国政府采取的措施2。我期待着通过这次会议,促进中国与东盟 的相互了解和信任,增进我们之间的合作。//

世界一些国家和地区持续蔓延的非典型肺炎,是对人类健康和生命安全的严重威胁。非典型 肺炎是一种尚未被人类完全认识的新型传染病,还没有特效的诊断办法和治疗手段,流行特点也没有完全掌握3。//

面对这场突如其来的疫情灾害,我们缺乏预防和控制经验,应对机制不健全,一些地方和部门 工作不力,特别是中国人口多、流动量大,尽管我们做了大量的艰苦工作,但目前非典型肺炎防治形势依然严 峻4。广东等发病较早的地区仍有少量新发病例出现5。北京、山西、内蒙古等地病例明显增多,疫情还没有得到完全控制,并有向大多数地区扩散的趋势。//


一、全面加强预防,控制疫情蔓延。中国政府已将非典型肺炎列为法定传染病进行管理。建 立公开透明的疫情报告和信息发布制度。每天向世界卫生组织通报疫情,同时向社会公布7。要求做到早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗。采取各种措施,加强传染源的有效控制。对公共交通工具、重点部位以及出入境口岸,实行严格检疫和防范8。//

二、全力开展救治,设立防治基金。中央财政安排20亿元人民币,设立非典型肺炎防治基金,主要用于农民和城镇困难群众中非典型肺炎患者的救治工作9、中西部困难地区县级医院的应急改造和购 置治疗非典型肺炎的医疗设备。//

三、建立突发疫情应对机制,提高应急处理能力。积极建设完善全国突发公共卫生事件的应急 处理机制10,建立疾病监测、信息网络和实验室网络。国家已安排35亿元人民币,用于全国疾病预防控制机 构的基础设施建设和中国疾病预防控制中心工程建设。//

四、加强科研攻关,研究有效诊治办法。我们组织全国各学科专家联合攻关,集中力量查找 病因病原,研究探索疾病诊断和治疗方法。已研制出非典型肺炎快速检测试剂,正在进一步完善和进行临床试 验,同时积极进行防治药物的研制。中央财政已拨出专款用于非典型肺炎科研工作。//

口译讲评Comments on Interpretation

1.“我是本着坦诚负责、信任、合作的精神,前来参加这个会议的。”这一句话中连用了两个谓语动词:“本着”“参加”。这在汉语表达中是很常见的,因为汉语句子中谓语动词占优势。而英文句子 则采用“主谓机制”,即一个英语句子中只能有一个谓语动词,它是整个句子的中心。其他相关意思的扩展则 要靠介词短语、分词短语、或是从句来实现。另外,在译成英文时还要考虑英汉两种语言表达重心的不同。汉 语一般按逻辑顺序和时间顺序来安排意思,所以,主要信息通常出现在句子中偏后的部分。而英文则有“信息 前置”的规律,即一般将关键的或是新的信息放在句子前部,以便给读者留下清晰的印象。所以分析此句,不难发现,句子的重点是“前来参加会议”;而“本着 的精神”是表示状态的修饰成分。因此此句译 为:“I came to attend this conference in the spirit of candid responsibility, trust and cooperation”。

2.“我将向东盟领导人通报 ,介绍 措施。”“通报”和“介绍”为同义词,在英语 中我们可以用“brief”将两者的含义都包括,并与后面的宾语相搭配。所以该句译为“I will brief the ASEAN leaders on the SARS situation in China, major experience and lessons in the prevention and treatment of SARS,and the measures taken by the Chinese government”。

3.“非典型肺炎是一种 也没有完全掌握。”在汉语中我们经常采用很长的前置定语,但在英语中,则可以将定语后置,使用分词、不定式结构或定语从句来修饰前面的中心词。在这句话中,“尚未 被人类完全认识”可以转化为英语中的不定式后置结构。此外,“没有 也没有 ”我们可以套用英语中 的“neither nor ”结构。所以该句译为“SARS is a brand new contagious disease, yet to be fully understood to mankind. There is neither a conclusive method of diagnosis, nor an effective cure, nor a full understanding of how this disease spreads”。

4.“面对这场突如其来的疫情灾害, 但目前非典型肺炎防治形势依然严峻。”在我们接 受信息的同时,应当对信息进行综合分析和判断,在理解原话意思的基础上,提炼出主要的信息意义,然后再 寻求正确的英文表达,而不是逐字逐句地寻找英文的对译。通过逻辑分析,这句话包含的主要信息是:“在防 非典方面,我们还面临严峻的考验。”翻译时,我们可以将这句作为英语译文中的主句,其他的成份译为状 语,全句译为“Given our huge and highly mobile population and our lack of experience with controlling a sudden epidemic, and unsound epidemic contingency mechanism, the country is still faced with a serious situation despite a great deal of work”。

5.“广东等发病较早的地区仍有少量新发病例出现。”汉语中有许多句子没有主语或宾语,英译时常需要将隐含的主语或宾语补上,以符合英语语法习惯。其中一种处理方法便是将汉语中的非主语成分 转化为英语中的主语,比如在这句话中可以将地区(比如广东)做主语,相应地将其前面的修饰语“发病较早 的”转化为英语中的定语从句,然后选择合适的谓语动词“see”。所以该句译为 “Right now, places like Guangdong, where SARS hit rather early,still see a few new cases”。再比如,“合营企业申请用地,由合营企业中方合营业者办 理。”可译为:The Chinese participant of the joint venture shall be responsible for the application for the right to the use of the land.

6.“中国政府是勇于面对困难、高度负责任的政府,时刻把人民健康和生命安全放在第一位。”汉语结构中多并列,而英语中多使用主从结构,在译成英语时,我们可以先确定一个中心句,其他部分用不定式、分词、介词短语或是从句来进行扩展,所以该句译为:“The Chinese Government is a highly responsible government, ready to face difficulties squarely and putting the health, safety and life of the people above everything else”。

7.“每天向世界卫生组织通报疫情,同时向社会公布。”其中“通报疫情”在这句话中的确切含义是报告关于SARS的统计数字,如果译成“epidemic situation”则比较模糊。所以,译为“We make daily report of SARS statistics to the WHO, and publish it to the communities in the meantime”。

8.“对公共交通工具、重点部位以及出入境口岸,实行严格检疫和防范。”这是一个无主句,在译成英文时,我们可以将隐含的人称代词补作该句的主语,所以译为“We have imposed strict quarantine and prevention measures in public transit systems, major locations and ports of exit and entry.”。

9.“ 主要用于 非典型肺炎患者的救治工作 ”汉语命名中倾向于加范畴词(category words),如“问题”“状态”“情况”“工作”“态度”“现象”等,但是有时这些范畴词 本身没有实质的意义,因而翻译时,可以省去不译。所以“救治工作”中的“工作”可以省去不译,直接译 为“treatment”。再比如“大力发展教育和科技事业”,由于“教育”和“科技”本身就是事业,故原文中 的“事业”可省去不译,“vigorously developing education and science and technology”。

10.“积极建设完善全国突发公共卫生事件的应急处理机制, ”根据上下文,“积极”在这里的确切含义是指赶紧、抓紧时间。因此译为“lose no time”。当一词有多种含义时,我们可以根据具体的语境来判断其确切的含义。再如“积极推进各项配套改革”,同样用了“积极”一词,但该词的译法却截然不同。“积极”在此处的含义是“in a determined way”,与“推进”合在一起译为“press ahead”。在这篇讲话中,还有两处也用了“积极”。“ 已研制出非典型肺炎快速检测试剂,正在进一步完善和进行临床试验,同时积极进行防治药物的研制”译为“Efforts are also made to research and develop drugs and equipment for SARS prevention and treatment” “我们积极同世界卫生组织等国际组织开展合作 ”译为“We have worked hard to promote cooperation with the WHO and other international organizations ”。“积极”一词在不同的语境中表达的含义不同 因此译法也各异。

I came to attend this conference in the spirit of candid responsibility, trust and cooperation. I will brief ASEAN leaders on the SARS situation in China, major experience and lessons in the prevention and treatment of SARS, and the measures taken by the Chinese government. I hope that mutual understanding and trust between China and ASEAN countries will be promoted and cooperation between us will be enhanced through this conference. //

The SARS epidemic currently spreading in some countries and regions poses a grave threat to life and health of mankind. SARS is a brand new contagious disease, yet to be fully understood to mankind. There is neither a conclusive method of diagnosis, nor an effective cure, nor a full understanding of how this disease spreads.//

Given our huge and highly mobile population and our lack of experience with controlling a sudden epidemic, the country is still faced with a serious situation despite a great deal of work. Right now, places like Guangdong, where SARS hit rather early, still see a few new cases. The number of SARS cases in Beijing, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia is rising noticeably. The situation has not been brought fully under control and there is the tendency of spreading to most provinces of China. //

The Chinese Government is a highly responsible government, ready to face difficulties squarely and putting the health, safety and life of the people above everything else. We have taken resolute steps in an effort to turn the situation around, and will continue to do so. //

First, strengthening prevention across the board to contain the spread of disease. The Chinese government has made SARS a statutory epidemic under the country’s legislation, and established an open and transparent system for epidemic reporting and news briefing. We make daily report of SARS statistics to the WHO, and publish it to the communities in the meantime. By ensuring early detection, early reporting, early quarantine and early treatment, we have done everything possible to control infection source. We have imposed strict quarantine and prevention measures in public transit systems, major locations and ports of exit and entry. //

Second, going all out to treat SARS patients and setting up the SARS funds. The central government has allocated RMB 2 billion yuan for the establishment of a SARS fund, to be used mainly for the treatment of SARS patients from rural background or needy urban families and for emergency upgrading of county-level hospitals in the poor areas of central and western China and their purchases of SARS-related medical equipment. //

Thirdly, establishing an epidemic contingency mechanism and enhancing the capacity for emergency management. We lost no time in establishing a national public health contingency response mechanism, a disease monitor and data collection network and an ascertaining network of laboratories. The central government has allocated RMB 3.5 billion yuan for infrastructure development of a national disease control system, together with other special expenditures for the construction of the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention. //

Fourthly, stepping up critical SARS research and exploring effective methods of diagnosis and treatment. We have mobilized multi-disciplinary experts across the country to look for the cause of the SARS epidemic, and study new methods of diagnosis and treatment. We have developed a fast diagnostic method and are trying to improve it and testing it clinically. Efforts are also made to research and develop drugs and equipment for SARS prevention and treatment. The central government has provided special fund for SARS research and development. //

  • threatn. 威胁,凶兆 vt. 威胁, 恐吓
  • determinedadj. 坚毅的,下定决心的
  • unsoundadj. 不健全的;不健康的;谬误的;腐烂的;不牢靠的
  • controln. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置 vt. 控制,掌管,支
  • ruraladj. 农村的
  • collectionn. 收集,收取,聚集,收藏品,募捐
  • establishedadj. 已被确认的,确定的,建立的,制定的 动词est
  • responsen. 回答,响应,反应,答复 n. [宗]答复语,
  • cooperationn. 合作,协作
  • urbanadj. 城市的,都市的