The United Nation, which I have the honor to serve, has just been through one of the hardest years in its history. We have seen war in Iraq, and deep divisions among nations, about grave issues of war and peace. On 19 August, in a bomb attack on our headquarters in Baghdad, we lost some of our best and most beloved colleagues.//
These events have distracted the world's leaders from dealing with other threats--- threats which, to most people, are more immediate, and more real. I mean the threats of extreme poverty and hunger, unsafe drinking water, environmental degradation, and endemic or infectious disease. //
These dangers stalk large parts of our planet. They kill millions and millions of people every year. They destroy societies. They fuel division and desperation. After a year of war and division, it's time to focus more of our energy on people's health and welfare. It's time to make sure that poor countries have a real opportunity to develop. And it's time we took decisive action to save the resources of our planet. //
Yes, we have to fight terrorism. Yes, we must prevent the spread of deadly weapons. But let's also say Yes to development. Let's bring hope into the lives of those who suffer. Without development and hope, there will be no peace. //
Just over three years ago, at the Millennium Summit, leaders of all nations pledged to provide that hope. They set themselves precise, time-bound targets---the Millennium Development Goals. To meet these Goals would cost only a fraction of what our world spends on weapons of war. Yet it would bring hope to billions, and greater security to us all. //
人们怀着对和平、安宁、幸福和事业成功的憧憬迎接新千年的来临1。也有不少人仍然对未来 世纪存有忧伤、担心、疑虑和恐惧。的确,我们将带着20世纪遗留的不少未决问题进入新世纪2。//
科学界担心21世纪人口继续爆增,超过地球的承载能力。世界人口已过60亿,比上一千年末增 长了20倍,比100年前增加4倍。尽管世界人口自然增长率逐步下降,现在仍然高达每年1.5%。这样下去,2050年再翻一番,2100年将达260亿。中国人口已到12.5亿。如果再翻一番,到25亿,中国人的后代将何处栖身3?//
People are greeting the arrival of the new millennium, longing for peace, stability, happiness and success. But many watch it with distress, worry, misgivings and even terror. Indeed we are entering the new century laden with a multitude of unresolved issues left over from the 20th century. //
Scientists worry about the population explosion that may occur in the 21st century; the population size would surpass the carrying capacity of the earth. More than six billion people live on the earth today, 20 times as many as a millennium ago and a four times growth witnessed in the past century. Despite a gradual tapering down of the natural growth rate in the world, it remains as high as 1.5% per year. And at this rate the world population would double by the year 2050 and reach 26 billion by the year 2100. China has 1.25 billion people today and there would be no space for descendants to live in if the population doubles again. //