人事部CATTI二级口译课程培训(MP3+讲义) 第49讲
日期:2014-08-30 08:15



语境因素处理技巧 Techniques for Handling Co-textual Factors

语言交际有一定的场合,即语境。语境一般分为语言内知识和语言外知识两个方面。所谓语言内知识,主要包括字词以及句子所处的上下文;而语言外知识则主要体现于背景知识和情景知识等方面。语境对于语言的理解和表达具有语用和语义上的制约和衬补作用,特定的语境会赋予词或句子以特定的含义。著名翻译家纽马克(Newmark)曾经指出:“语境在所有翻译中都是最重要的因素, 其重要性大于任何法规、任何理论、任何基本词义”。因此,在口译过程中,译者应该把握原文特定语句赖以产生的语境,深刻领会词或语句在具体情况下的语用功能,在此基础上,选择恰当而得体的目的语来表达原文作者的思想和意图。下面将简单介绍一些语境因素的处理技巧。

同一个单词,出现在不同的场景中,所表达的含义就自然不同,因此在口译时要根据词汇出现的具体上下文来推断其确切的含义,并选择合适的译入语来表达。例如:第六单元国际奥委会主席罗格的演讲中有这样一句话“The Olympic Movement also has a responsibility, one shared by the athletes themselves, to tackle the issue of social reintegration at the end of their sports career.” “reintegration”有“重新整合,重新统一”的意思,但是根据上下文,运动员在他们的运动生涯结束时,应当面临的是再就业、重新融入社会的问题。所以该句译为:“奥林匹克运动也有责任解决运动员们结束运动生涯时如何重新走向社会的问题,当然运动员本人也应当对此负责。”

句与句的意思相互连贯,每一句的意思都受上下文的制约,许多句子只有结合上下文才能准确理解。遇到不易理解的句子,译者不能主观臆测,而应当根据前面听到的信息,以及讲话的主题,快速地从中寻求答案。例如“中美双方的经济互利互补性很强”这句话中的“互利”通常译为:mutually beneficial。然而此句如果译为:“Our two economies are highly complementary and mutually beneficial”, 则意味着两国的经济自然是互相有利的,这不符合实际情况。根据上下文,应该理解为,两国的经济互补性很强,如发挥这种互补性对双方有利。似可译为:“Our two economies are highly complementary and can be mutually beneficial.”例如本单元中对克林顿的采访有这样一句话“Because I have been through it, I know what it likes. I have friends with AIDS.”如果不考虑语境,按字面意思翻译为“因为我经历过,我知道它是怎么回事。我有朋友患上了艾滋病”。这样的译文听起来容易让人产生误解。而根据上文,克林顿谈到艾滋病对许多国家造成威胁,因而他是要表明他曾目睹朋友因患上艾滋病而离开了他,因而深知艾滋病的危害有多大。所以该句译为,“因为在这一点上我有切身体会,我曾经亲眼目睹我的朋友因为患上艾滋病而离去。”

口译的话题广泛,涉及政治、经济、文化、体育、金融外贸、卫生健康、人权、环境等各个领域,译者需要对各个方面的知识都有所了解,要了解当今世界的主要热点问题如亚太经济圈问题、艾滋病问题、恐怖主义问题、人民币汇率问题等,这样在口译的过程中,才可以借助背景知识和常识进行推理判断分析,提供正确的译文。如果背景知识缺乏,经常会导致误译的现象,影响听众的理解。比如在下面一段话中,如果不了解相关背景知识,就有可能将“floating”误译。It is not surprising, then, that the world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system. Central banks were no longer required to support their own currencies. Floating policy is of great importance for export trade; it is, in fact, a convenient method of insuring goods.译文:在这种情况下,世界各国又恢复浮动汇率体系就不足为奇了。各国中央银行也就无须维持本币的汇价了。统保单对出口贸易至关重要。它实际上是货物保险中的一种便利的办法。事实上,“floating” 在上述两个句子中的意思完全不一样,floating exchange rate 意为“浮动汇率”,即可自由浮动,完全受市场决定的汇率制度。而 “floating policy” 则指用以承保多批次货运的一种持续性长期保险凭证,常译为“统保单”,如译成 “浮动政策”就错了。


主题练习 中国外交

一个中国政策One-China policy
坦率、深入地交换看法a candid and in-depth exchange of views
民族感情national feelings
祖国统一national reunification
台湾同胞Taiwan compatriots
海外同胞overseas compatriots
严重挑衅serious provocation
和平统一、一国两制peaceful reunification and one country, two systems
两岸直接“三通” three direct links, namely direct exchange of mail, trade, air and shipping services, between the two sides across the Straits
不承诺放弃使用武力never to renounce the use of force
坐视不管to sit idle
分裂言论separatist remarks
国家主权state sovereignty
领土完整territorial integrity
悬崖勒马to rein in at the brink of the precipice
两岸关系the cross-Straits relations
反华势力anti-China forces
“台独”势力elements for Taiwan independence
中美三个联合公报the three joint communiqués between China and US
搁置争议、共同开发to shelve disputes and carry out joint development
互谅互让mutual understanding and mutual accommodation
求同存异to seek common ground while reserving differences
冷战思维Cold War mentality
有限主权limited sovereignty
礼仪之邦a nation of etiquette
高层互访the exchange of high-level visits
诉诸武力或以武力相威胁to resort to the use of force or the threat of force
提出强烈抗议to lodge a strong protest
以大欺小、以强凌弱the big bullying the small and the strong oppressing the weak
建设性战略伙伴关系a constructive strategic partnership
靖国神社the Yasukuni Shrine
结束过去、开辟未来Let us leave the past behind us and open a new chapter for the future.
一衣带水的友好邻邦friendly neighbors with only a strip of water in between
前事不忘、后事之师The past, if not forgotten, can serve as a guide for the future.
以史为鉴、面向未来to take history as a mirror and look forward into the future
国家不分大小、贫富、强弱,都是国际社会的平等一员。All countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community.
不结盟、不对抗、不针对第三国的新型的国与国关系a new type of state-to-state relationship built on the basis of non-alignment, non-confrontation and non-targeting at any third country


中国政府坚决主张1建立新型的国际关系和国际秩序。 1953年底,周恩来总理在会见印度政府代表团时,第一次提出了互相尊重主权和领土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政、平等互利、和平共处的五项原则。2 翌年,周恩来总理应邀访问了印度和缅甸,中印、中缅双方总理在联合声明中,正式倡议将和平共处五项原则作为国际关系的准则。



The Chinese government firmly stands for the establishment of a new type of international relations and a new international order.When meeting an Indian government delegation at the end of 1953, Premier Zhou Enlai for the first time put forward the five principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence. He visited India and Burma the following year, and in the respective joint statements issued, Premier Zhou and his Indian and Burmese counterparts called for adopting the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence as the norms governing international relations.

From the 1950s until now, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have stood severe tests and shown strong vitality. China has always striven to develop friendly relations with other countries on the basis of these principles. Since they were enunciated and advanced, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have been accepted by the vast majority of countries. They are affirmed in the bilateral documents signed between China and these countries such as treaties, conventions, declarations and statements and are repeatedly quoted or reiterated at many important international forums and in international documents. This shows that the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have evolved into generally recognized norms governing international relations.

  • issuen. 发行物,期刊号,争论点 vi. & vt 发行,流
  • benefitn. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演 vt. 有益于,得
  • shrinen. 圣地,神龛,庙 v. 将 ... 置于神龛内,把
  • statementn. 声明,陈述
  • vitalityn. 活力,生命力
  • coexistencen. 共存;并立;和平共处
  • tacklev. 处理,对付,阻截 n. 用具,滑车,对付
  • complementaryadj. 补充的,互补的
  • beneficialadj. 有益的,有利的
  • internaladj. 国内的,内在的,身体内部的