人事部CATTI二级口译课程培训(MP3+讲义) 第24讲
日期:2014-07-30 13:56




现代奥林匹克运动会历经百余年,历届奥运会标志和形象已成为独特的无形资产。特别是奥运 会会徽,不仅是国际奥林匹克运动和奥运会形象品牌的重要载体,而且体现了奥运会举办城市独特的文化魅 力,体现了奥运会举办国家的民族性格和精神风貌1。它是国际奥林匹克运动最具价值的资产之一。//

2008年奥运会在世界历史文化名城、中国首都北京举办。创造出具有东方智慧、中国特色和北京特征的奥运会形象与景观,展示中国悠久的历史、灿烂的文化和北京2008年奥运会的巨大魅力,体现绿色奥 运、科技奥运、人文奥运的理念,为奥林匹克运动留下独特遗产,这是国际奥委会和国际社会对我们的共同期待2。//

为创造一个独特、精致、内涵丰富、形象生动的奥运会会徽,北京奥组委面向全球征集北京奥 运会会徽设计作品,得到了海内外专业设计机构和专家的广泛参与3。我们共收到参赛作品1985件,其中国外 作品222件。所有作品都充分体现了中国文化的特色,并力求对奥林匹克理念和精神做了深入发掘4。//

经过11位中外著名专家的精心评选,30位社会各界代表的认真评议,我们确定了会徽的方案。 今年3月28日,国际奥委会对北京奥运会会徽给予了很高评价,正式同意这一方案。至此,北京奥运会会徽这 一凝聚了国内外众多一流专家集体智慧的结晶正式诞生了!它体现了“开放办奥运”的精神,体现了北京奥组 委力争一流工作的决心。//


鲜红的色彩传达了中国文化特有的热情气氛5;寓意丰富的图形,形如一个“京”字,表现了 举办地的名称;也像一个冲向终点的运动员,体现了对奥林匹克精神的追求;又似一个载歌载舞中的人,表达 了13亿中国人民对于奥林匹克运动的美好憧憬和欢迎八方宾客的热情与真诚6。//

按照会徽所表达的“人文奥运”理念,我们将加快文化和体育事业的发展,促进社会的文明与 进步,展现北京历史文化名城风貌和市民的良好精神风貌,实现东方神韵与现代奥运的完美结合7。//

我们将加强对外交流与合作,推动中外文化的交流与融合,加深各国人民之间的了解、信任与 友谊,使2008年奥运会成为促进世界和平、友谊与进步的广阔舞台。//

奥运会会徽是奥林匹克知识产权的重要组成部分。保护好会徽的知识产权,是成功进行市场开 发,举办一届最出色奥运会的重要保证。中国政府和北京市政府已经发布实施了保护奥林匹克知识产权的相关 法规。//

认真执行这些法规是参与和支持奥运会筹办工作的实际行动8。在举行会徽发布仪式之际,我们呼吁海内外所有关心和支持北京奥运会的人们为维护奥林匹克知识产权,为保护会徽的价值,为建设良好的 法制环境做出贡献。//


口译讲评 Interpretation Comments

1.“特别是奥运会会徽,不仅是 而且体现了 ,体现了 奥运会举办国家的民族性 格和精神风貌”汉语中多用动词,而英语中多用名词。因此,在汉译英时动词可以适当地转化为名词。这句话中“体现了”可以转化为英语中的名词性短语“a demonstration of”,这样与前一句的结构“an important representation of”(是重要载体)相对应,听起来更连贯、自然。该句可译为 “The emblem of the Olympic Games,in particular, is not only an important representation of the Olympic Movement and the Olympic brand, but also a demonstration of the charm of the host city’s unique culture and its national character and spirit”。

2.“创造出具有东方智慧、中国特色和北京特征的奥运会形象与景观,展示巨大魅力,体现绿色奥运,这是国际奥委会和国际社会对我们的共同期待。”汉英两种语言在结构 安排上有区别。汉语句法结构强调前端重量,而英语则讲究尾端重量,也就是说句子的结尾部分不宜太短,应有一定长度。根据这一规律,该句在译成英语时应调整结构顺序,将“这是 的共同期望”放在句首,同时 由于前面的信息太长,在译成英语时,可在“体现”前面断开,拆译为两个独立的句子,同时添加词使句子的前后意思连贯。该句可译为:“It is the IOC and international community’s expectation that we create an Olympic image that reflects oriental wisdom and characteristics of both Beijing and China, as well as China’s long history, splendid culture and the fascination of the Beijing Games. The image is also expected to be a manifestation of the concepts of Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and People’s Olympics -- thus leaving a unique legacy to the Olympic Movement.”

3.“为创造一个独特、精致、内涵丰富、形象生动的奥运会会徽,北京奥组委面向全球征集北京奥运会会徽设计作品,//得到了海内外专业设计机构和专家的广泛参与。”这句话如果直译为 “ , BOCOG solicited emblem designs worldwide, and got the extensive participation of the domestic and international professional designing institutions and experts”,听起来逻辑不清楚,好像成了“海内外专业设计机构和专家广泛参与北京奥组委”,而实际上是“参与北京奥组委组织的竞赛”,因此这样的译法含义不明确,我们不妨采用断句的译法,将这个长句拆分成两个独立的句子。断句后,后面一句没有主语,我们可以汉语中的“海内外专业设计机构和专家”作为英语中的主语。所以该句可译为“In order to create a unique, meaningful, symbolic and animated emblem for Beijing Olympic Games, BOCOG solicited emblem designs worldwide. Many domestic and international professional designing institutions and experts were invited to participate in the competition.”

4.“所有作品都充分体现了中国文化的特色,并力求对奥林匹克理念和精神做了深入发掘。”英语中有“异叙”(syllepsis)的修辞手段,即用一个词(动词、形容词或介词)同时与两个词(或更多)相搭配。该句的“中国文化特色”和“对奥林匹克理念和精神的深入发掘”都可以与“体现”一词进行搭配,做“体现”的宾语,所以该句可译为“All the designs fully embodied the Chinese culture and an in-depth understanding of the Olympic ideals and spirit”,这样译文更为精炼,也可节省译者的时间。再比如:他们有时议议政,有时品品茶。英译时不必重复,译为:They sometimes take counsel and sometimes tea.

5.“鲜红的色彩传达了中国文化特有的热情气氛”“热情”可用不同的英语词来表达,如enthusiastic,warm-hearted, passionate等等,但是“红色”通常所传达的是一种喜庆的气氛,经常让人联想到一些欢庆的场合如节日、婚礼等,所以“热情气氛”应当是一种欢庆的节日气氛,选用“festival”这个词更符合上下文 语境。该句可译为“The vivid red color conveys the festival atmosphere within Chinese culture”。

6.“寓意丰富的图形,;也像一个冲向终点的运动员, ;又似一个载歌载舞中的人, ”我们在翻译时,要注意把握逻辑的准确性。汉语讲究整体印象、整体意义,有时不讲究具体细节的准确性,但是在译成英语时,我们应当挖掘其深层的逻辑含义,采用更符合逻辑的结构。在文中,汉语中的表达是,“图形 也像一个运动员 ;又似一个载歌载舞中的人, ”。如果直译为,“The figure is not only like an athlete crossing the finish line, it is also like a dancing figure ”给听者的印象是“这个图形看起来像个运动员,像个载歌载舞中的人”,这与前文“寓意丰富”逻辑不符,“寓意丰富”只有通过理解才能得知,而“像”则表明一眼就可看出。因此可译为:The figure resembles the Chinese character “Jing” which stands for the name of the host city. The figure not only depicts an athlete crossing the finish line, reflecting the Olympic spirit, it can also be interpreted as a dancing figure, conveying the anticipation of 1.3 billion Chinese people for the Olympic Games as well as their enthusiasm for receiving guests from all over the world.再如,“(改革开放胆子更大一些,敢于试验,)不能像小脚女人一样。”(《邓选》,372页)如果把这句话译成“We should not be like women with bound feet.”,意思还不是十分清楚,听众可能会认为是“长得像”,这与前文的“敢于试验”在逻辑上并不一致,若译成“We must not act like women with bound feet”则前后呼应。

7.“实现东方神韵与现代奥运的完美结合”汉语中在选词及整体思维上,都存在加强语气的倾向,译成英语时应减弱语气,改用不太强烈的词汇与结构,以便让英语国家的人民更容易接受。这句 话如果直译为“We will achieve the perfect integration of the charm of oriental culture with modern Olympic philosophy.”这样的翻译可能让听者觉得我们所作的一切会无可挑剔,语气过于生硬,我们可以将过于肯定的词“perfect”省略掉,同时在句子中加入“wish”或“hope”等词,使语气更加委婉,这句话不妨改译为“We hope to achieve the integration of the charm of oriental culture with modern Olympic philosophy”。

8.“认真执行这些法规是参与和支持奥运会筹办工作的实际行动。”正确理解原文是翻译的第一步,通过上下文,原文要表达的含义是如果想要参与和支持奥运会筹办工作就需要认真执行这些法规。因 此如果直译为“Enforcing these regulations is an actual action to participate in and support the preparations for the Games”很令人费解,所以不妨改译为“Enforcing these regulations is essential to those who wish to participate in and support the preparations for the Games”。

With a history of over 100 years, the symbols and images of modern Olympic Games have become particularly valuable assets. The emblem of the Olympic Games, in particular, is not only an important representation of the Olympic Movement and the Olympic brand, but also a demonstration of the charm of the host city’s unique culture and its national character and spirit. It is one of the most valuable assets of the Olympic Movement.//

The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing, capital of China and a city known to the world for its history and culture. It is the IOC and international community’s expectation that we create an Olympic image that reflects oriental wisdom and characteristics of both Beijing and China, as well as China’s long history, splendid culture and the fascination of the Beijing Games. The image is also expected to be a manifestation of the concepts of Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and People’s Olympics -- thus leaving a unique legacy to the Olympic Movement.//

In order to create a unique, meaningful, symbolic and animated emblem for Beijing Olympic Games, BOCOG solicited emblem designs worldwide. Many domestic and international professional designing institutions and experts were invited to participate in the competition. In total we received 1,985 entries, of which 222 were from overseas. All the designs fully embodied the Chinese culture and an in-depth understanding of the Olympic ideals and spirit.//

After prudent assessment from 11 Chinese and international experts and comments from 30 community representatives, the original emblem design was selected. On March 28th 2003, the International Olympic Committee commended and officially approved of the emblem of the Beijing Olympic Games. It is the result of the combined wisdom of Chinese and international experts. The emblem embodies a spirit of holding the Games in an open and transparent manner and indicates the commitment of BOCOG to deliver first class work. //

We are proud to say that the emblem, carrying rich cultural meaning, represents the theme of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. The emblem of the 2008 Games has combined the 5,000-year history of the Chinese seal and the art of calligraphy with sporting imagery and shows a human figure running forward and embracing victory. The design embodies the essence of Chinese culture and tradition. //

The vivid red color conveys the festival atmosphere within Chinese culture and the figure resembles the Chinese character “Jing” which stands for the name of the host city. The figure not only depicts an athlete crossing the finish line, reflecting the Olympic spirit, it can also be interpreted as a dancing figure, conveying the anticipation of 1.3 billion Chinese people for the Olympic Games as well as their enthusiasm for receiving guests from all over the world. //

Based on the concept of “People’s Olympics” expressed by the emblem, we will speed up the development of culture and sport, promote social progress, unfold the charm of Beijing as a historical and cultural city and show the good spirit of its citizens. We hope to achieve the integration of the charm of oriental culture with modern Olympic philosophy. //

Through the 2008 Olympic Games we will strengthen communication and cooperation with other countries, enhance exchange and integration of Chinese and foreign cultures and improve the understanding, trust and friendship among people from different countries. Our goal for the 2008 Olympic Games is to provide a broad stage for advancement of world peace, friendship and progress. //

The emblem of the Olympic Games is an important component of Olympic intellectual property. The protection of the emblem will ensure the successful implementation of the marketing plan and the fulfillment of our commitment to host the best Olympic Games ever. The Chinese Central Government and Beijing Municipal Government have introduced regulations to ensure the protection of Olympic intellectual property. //

Enforcing these regulations is essential to those who wish to participate in and support the preparations for the Games. In unveiling the emblem, we call on people from around the world who care about and support the Beijing Games to contribute to the protection of Olympic Intellectual property and the value of the emblem, and to the construction of a sound legal environment. //

(Excerpts from Liu Qi’s Speech for Beijing 2008 Emblem Unveiling, August 3rd, 2003)

  • brandn. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记 vt. 打烙印,铭刻,加污
  • competitionn. 比赛,竞争,竞赛
  • unfoldv. 展开,开放,显露
  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • achievev. 完成,达到,实现
  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目
  • legacyn. 祖先传下来之物,遗赠物 adj. [计算机]旧系统
  • counseln. 商议,忠告,法律顾问 v. 商议,劝告
  • transparentadj. 透明的,明显的,清晰的
  • communityn. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落