攻克雅思超级外教课 第139期:雅思写作:数字与图表(10)
日期:2017-04-17 09:54


Okay? So it is good to be specific where you can, so you can always put in brackets, and the actual number.
Imagine if coffee is 10%, at the end of the sentence, I can put: " (10%)", or, I can write the word "at 10%".
假设咖啡的比例是10%,在句子末尾我可以加上" (10%)",或者写上"at 10%"。
I could actually write out the word "ten percent", and say: "of the total at ten percent".
其实我可以把这个单词"ten percent"写出来,然后说"of the total at ten percent"(占了总量的百分之十)。
Or, if they didn't give me any percents, but imagine if this says two cups a day, and this says 20 cups a day,
what I could also do is write down specifically if they gave you a number...what that number is.
So, sometimes they won't give you a percent, but they'll actually say an amount.
If they say an amount, you can actually write in that amount.
So, for example, if they said two cups a day, I could say: "Coffee makes up a small fraction of the total at two cups a day.", so that's also possible.
比如,如果他们说了一天两杯,那我就可以说:"Coffee makes up a small fraction of the total at two cups a day."(咖啡以一天两杯的数量占了总量的一小部分),这也是可行的。
Now, what about if we wanted to talk about tea?
Tea is a large fraction, so, we can use the exact same vocabulary, but change the word "small" to "large".
So, we can say: "A large fraction of the total is tea.", "A large percentage is tea.",
我们可以说:"A large fraction of the total is tea.", "A large percentage is tea.",
"Tea makes up a large number of the total.", "Tea makes up the lowest...the highest..."
"Tea makes up a large number of the total."(茶占了总量的很大一部分),或者"Tea makes up the lowest...the highest..."(茶所占比例最低.......最高......)。
In this case, we're not talking about large, but the opposite of "lowest" is "highest".
"A very...a very large percentage of the total is tea.", and "A very large proportion is tea."
还可以说"A very large percentage of the total is tea."和"A very large proportion is tea."。
Okay? So, these are great expressions to use when you are describing percents and percentages.
Okay, so thank you for watching this video, I would like to invite you to come visit our website at www. engvid. com.
感谢你们观看这个视频,我想邀请你们登陆我们的网站www. engvid. com。
There, you can actually do more practice questions and actually test yourself by taking our quiz to make sure that you understand this video,
as well as so you can practice using some of these percentages and numbers.
Thank you again for watching, and until next time, take care.
