Same with "co" without a dot is "company", "co." with a dot -- "corporation", or "cor." -- depends on how you want to do it.
Now, sometimes, you have some of them that look very similar, only one letter difference, right?
"App" for me means "application", "appt" means "appointment", "acct" means "account".
"Accm" means "accommodation", "accp" means "accompany", "act" -- "active" or "action".
You also have the shortened versions of Mr., Mrs., Miss or Ms., and Dr. Okay?
称谓也有缩写的形式,比如 Mr., Mrs., Miss或Ms.,还有 Dr. 。
Sometimes, you can use the slash, everything, nothing, something, somewhere, anywhere, etc.
有时候你们还能用“/”(斜线)来表示everything, nothing, something, somewhere, anywhere等等。
Whatever -- w/e., "etc." means "and so on", "like that", "Ie." means "in other words", so you can use another way of saying the same thing, "eg." means "example".
So if you hear, for example, in the listening, you do "eg.", and then write the example, "n.b.", nota bene, means "note well", means very important point.
Keep that in mind.
If somebody in the lecture says "n.b." or "nota bene", make sure you write down what he or she says, President, chairman, etc.
如果某个人,比如总统,主席,在演讲中说了"n.b."或者"nota bene",请一定要把他(她)说的内容写下来。
Make your own list, if you're not sure how to do it, the easiest way is take any word, take out all the vowels.
So you have the word "responsible", how are you going to write it as an abbreviation?
I'll just write "rsp"-- responsible, but I would remember that "rsp" means "responsible",
or if you want to just put one...sorry, "Resp" -- "resp" sounds like " responsible".
Okay? So remember it that way.