攻克雅思超级外教课 第82期:如何有效增加词汇量(6)
日期:2016-09-30 15:23


Another group you can use is similar meanings, so synonyms, words that have similar meanings or a similar function, okay?
So for example, I'm going to look at this function "increase", extend, expand, accelerate, intensify, reinforce,
比如,我要看"increase"(增加)这个功能,那么extend, expand, accelerate, intensify, reinforce,
all of these have some sort... in their meaning, have some sort of connection to increase.
"Extend", make longer, increase length or time, duration; "expand", increase size or scope; "accelerate", increase speed; "intensify", increase intensity; "reinforce", increase strength.
"extend"的含义是“使......更长”,“增加长度或时间”,“音延”; "expand"是“增加规模或范围”;"accelerate"是“提高速度”;"intensify"是“加强强度”;"reinforce"是“增加力度”。
So you... maybe you see the word "reinforce", you're reading something, you see the word "reinforce".
You're not exactly sure what it means, but you remember the group it was in, the group was the increase group.
So "reinforce" means increase, plus, the context of the sentence you saw it in will help you understand it means increase strength,
所以"reinforce"的意思是增加,另外,你们看见的它所在句子的语境也会帮你们理解它的意思,它有“ 增加力量”的意思,
or sometimes it could be increase number like a number of soldiers, reinforce the position.
The last group is theme, for example let's say for today that the theme is technology, okay?
So you write words that have to do with technology.
"Obsolete", "state-of-the-art", "update", "downgrade", "cutting-edge", all these words we can talk about like computer softwares or computers.
比如"obsolete", "state-of-the-art", "update", "downgrade", "cutting-edge",所有这些单词我们都能用来谈论电脑软件或者电脑。
"Obsolete", old not useful anymore, nobody uses this anymore...uh... Windows XP maybe not completely obsolete but almost obsolete or hardly anybody uses it anymore.
"obsolete"的意思是“旧的,不再有用的,没人会再用的”,比如Windows XP,它也许不是完全废弃的,但是也几乎废弃了,或者基本上没人会再用它了。
"State-of-the-art" means the newest; "cutting-edge", the newest, the most modern, that the most advanced you can get; "update" to make newer; "downgrade" to make less.
"state-of-the-art" 的意思是“最新的”;"cutting-edge"是“最新的,最现代的,能获得的最先进的”;"update"的意思是“使......变得更新”;"downgrade"是“使......更差一些”。
For example, I have Windows 8, I don't like it, I want to downgrade to Windows 7, but I can't do it, Windows 8 won't let me.
举个例子来说,我用的是Windows 8系统,我不喜欢它,想把它降级成Windows 7,但是我没法儿这么做,因为Windows 8不会让我这么做的。
But anyway so you have a theme, you have a function, you have the root.
Learn in chunks, if you don't remember one word, you'll remember the group, it will help you understand the word you're looking at, okay?
Go to engvid.com, I'll give you a quiz, give you some more practice with these ideas, and subscribe to my YouTube channel and come again and we will do this again.
