You can write it as a number, or you can also write it as half.
These are all great ways to write about pie charts.
So, let's get a little bit more into how to talk about numbers and pie charts.
Okay, so let's look at some good sentences you can use when describing numbers and percents.
So, again, we have the same pie chart, we have rent at 50%, food is about a quarter, transportation is about 15%, and fun is at about 10%.
So, I've written up some sentences to describe rent. Okay?
So, what I can say is: "Rent makes up half of the living expenses."
我可以说:"Rent makes up half of the living expenses."(房租占了生活费用的一半)。
And notice the verb I use, here: "makes up".
注意一下我在这里使用的动词: "makes up"(构成/占......比例)。
Okay? So, this is a phrasal verb, "makes up" is great to use when you're talking about pie charts.
看到了吗?这是一个动词词组, 在描述饼状图的时候用"makes up"非常棒。
If I wanted to talk about food, I could say: "Food makes up 25% of the living expenses.",
如果我想描述食物,我可以说"Food makes up 25% of the living expenses."(食物占了生活费用的25%),
"Transport makes up 15% of the living expenses." Okay?
同样也可以用来描述交通:"Transport makes up 15% of the living expenses."(交通占了生活费用的15%)。
We can also change the sentence around, so that instead of "half" being in the middle, we start with the percent.
"Half of the living expenses are rent.", so, this is essentially the same sentence, but reversed.
比如"Half of the living expenses are rent."(一半的生活费都花在了房租上),这本质上还是同一个句子,只不过顺序换了一下。
"Rent makes up half of the living expenses.", "Half of the living expenses are rent."
原来的句子是:"Rent makes up half of the living expenses." 换了顺序之后是:"Half of the living expenses are rent."。
We can also say: "Rent accounts for 50% of the total", or "50% of the living expenses".
我们还可以说"Rent accounts for 50% of the total"(房租占了总数的50%)或者"50% of the living expenses"(生活费的50%)。
So, again, we have a really, really nice verb that's great whenever you're describing a pie chart: "accounts for".
又出现了一个无论什么时候描述饼状图时都可以用的很好的动词:"accounts for"。
It means the exact same as "makes up", okay?
它的意思和"makes up"完全一样。