攻克雅思超级外教课 第132期:雅思写作:数字与图表(3)
日期:2017-03-31 09:45


And fun, maybe 10%, although, we're not sure.
So, on the IELTS you might see something like this, you might actually have the percentages written,
so you already know what it is, or you might actually have numbers.
Okay? So, this might actually be money, and so it might actually say, like, $500 to rent, $200 to food, and so forth.
Okay, but the first thing to do is really think about what are the percentages here.
Okay, so to begin a sentence when we're talking about the pie chart,
these are three different sentences that are very great...really, really good sentences to use on the IELTS when you're talking about pie graphs.
The first one is: "According to the chart", you can also say:
第一个是 "According to the chart"(根据图表所示),也可以说
"We can see from the chart", or "We can see from the pie chart", "The chart shows that", okay?
"We can see from the chart"(我们从图表中可以看出)或者 "We can see from the pie chart"(我们从饼状图中可以看出)"The chart shows that"(图表显示)。
So these are good ways to open up the sentence, and then to actually talk about what you see here.
Okay, so we're now going to talk a little bit about how do we talk about percentages.
So, I want you, again, to look at rent, we decided this is about 50%.
So, which of these three ways can I write this on the IELTS?
Should I write it: "fifty percent", should I write it "fifty per cent", with a space, should I write it "50%" as a number,
我是应该写成"fifty percent",写成"fifty per cent","per cent"中间空一格,还是应该写成数字"50%",
or should I write it as "half", because 50% is half the total?
What do you think is the best way to write it?
Well, the truth is all of these are good. Okay?
You will see "percent" written as one word, and also two words; both of these are fine.
你们既会看到 "percent"写作一个单词,也会看到它被写作两个单词,这两种都是对的。
