But writing section, now, here you have two tasks.
Task one, spend the 20 minutes. Task two, 40 minutes, one hour, leave the breakdown as they recommend it.
Task one, they want you to write 150 words. Aim for about 200.
Task two, they want you to write about 200-... minimum 250 words, there is no way you can get seven, for example, a band score of 7 with 250 words. Aim for 350. Okay?
You don't have to. I recommend it if you want that high score.
Now, what will you do with your time? Your 20 minutes, your task one, very, very straightforward essay.
There's absolutely no opinion to be given in here. Very straightforward.
Paragraph one, what am I looking at? What is the diagram? Is it a table? Is it a graph? Etcetera.
Paragraph two, what are the highlights? What are you going to..? What are your main points you're going to talk about?
You're going to talk about highs, you're going to talk about lows. You're going to talk about big fluctuations, you're going to talk about stability. Okay?
And paragraph three, minor points. Or if you're comparing two graphs, second paragraph, graph one; second... third paragraph, graph two.
Check out my colleague, Emma, at www.engvid.com, she has a good lesson on task one of the IELTS. It'll be very useful for you.
Task two, 40 minutes. Now, here's a little breakdown here, I'll focus more on the task two, spend five to seven minutes planning, do not skip this tep... This step, sorry.
If you do not plan, you will waste lots of time while you're writing your body, as soon as you plan your essay, you're already done.
All you have to focus on now is English: sentences, vocabulary, transitions, etcetera.
Spend 30 minutes writing it. Leave yourself three to five minutes to check over typos, etcetera.
Remember, it's handwritten, you want it to be legible, if I can't read it, I can't score you, you're getting a lower grade. Okay?
So use that time to check. If you have to fix anything, do that.
Don't try to rewrite whole paragraphs. You don't have time.