攻克雅思超级外教课 第45期:雅思口语的秘密武器 IELTS Speaking- The Secret Method(2)
日期:2016-07-04 14:13


You can also use "whom", but it's not so common, "whom" would be the indirect version of this, someone who's not doing something.
你们还可以用" whom",但是" whom"并不是很常用," whom"是" who"的宾格形式,不能在句子中充当主语。
Now, you'd use "that" when you're describing things. Okay?
在描述事物的时候,可以用关系代词" that"。
"I went to Bath on Saturday that was a fantastic place to visit." Okay?
比如 " I went to Bath on Saturday that was a fantastic place to visit. " (我周六去了巴斯,那是个游玩的好地方),
So I'm describing the activity of going to a place. Okay?
Bath itself. Okay? So it's a proper noun.
"Which" I can throw in there when I want to also describe things in a non-defining clause sense.
在非限制性从句中描述事物的时候,可以用关系代词" which"。
"The film which I saw on Saturday was really good." Okay?
比如 "The film which I saw on Saturday was really good."(我星期六看的那部电影非常棒),
You can get some more information on this on another one of our videos.
你们可以在我们网站的另一个视频里找到更多关于" which"的用法。
"Whose" when I'm describing a possession. So, "The car I drove whose owner was Charlie." -- okay?
在描述所有权时,可以使用" whose"。比如 "The car I drove whose owner was Charlie." (我开的那辆车是Charlie的)。
So I'm describing an element of possession. Okay?
Now, looking onto the relative adverbs. I can use "when" when I'm talking about times.
下面我们再来看看关系副词。当我们讨论时间的时候,可以使用关系副词" when"。
"I went to school when I was aged 13 to 18." Yeah?
比如 "I went to school when I was aged 13 to 18." (我13到18岁的时候都在上学)。
I can use "where" when I'm talking about the place that something happens.
在讨论某件事发生的地点时,可以用关系副词" where"。
So "I went to the actor's temple, where I learnt a lot about acting." Okay?
比如 "I went to the actor's temple, where I learnt a lot about acting."(我去了电影学院,在那儿学到了很多关于表演的知识)。
So giving more information about that particular place.
我们用" where"来描述关于这个特定地点的更多信息。
And I can use "why" ,I mean, "why" normally results in a question.
还有关系副词" why",它一般用来引导疑问句。
It's difficult to include "why" and then end in a full stop.
我们很少把" why" 用在肯定句中。

  • indirectadj. 间接的,迂回的,次要的,不坦率的,欺骗的
  • possessionn. 财产,所有,拥有
  • elementn. 元素,成分,组成部分,(复数)恶劣天气
  • actingn. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出
  • fantasticadj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的
  • clausen. 条款,款项,[语]从句,分句
  • describevt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成
  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目