Hi, Jess. How are you this week?
你好,杰斯 。这周你感觉怎么样?
Hi, Rosie. I'm a bit tired, actually.
你好,罗西 。我觉得有点累 。
Sounds like a good time to have a chat about partying when you have diabetes.
是时候跟你讨论下作为一位糖尿病患者还参加派对的事情了 。
OK. You're probably right.
好吧 。你说的有道理 。
Have you been going out a lot with your friends lately?
Yeah. I've been partying pretty hard.
是的 。我最近玩的太嗨了 。
Have you been drinking more alcohol than usual?
Yeah, I suppose I have.
对,我想是这样的 。
I need to talk to you about alcohol and diabetes. You have to be very careful or your blood sugars may drop too much. Alcohol can lower your blood sugars so you could have more hypos.
我需要和你谈谈酒精与糖尿病之间的利害关系 。你必须得注意些否则你的血糖会大幅度下降 。酒精会降低血糖,所以你更容易受刺激 。
I have had a few lately if I had a big night out.
最近外出彻夜狂欢,我都会少量饮酒 。
It's good to know how much alcohol is safe to drink.
知道饮酒时适量,这一点非常好 。
How much can I have?
Women shouldn't have more than 14 units of alcohol a week.
女性一周的饮酒量应限制在14个单位内 。
What's a unit?
A unit of alcohol is 1 standard glass of wine or half a pint of beer.
1个单位酒精量是指1个标准杯的葡萄酒或半品脱啤酒 。
That's not much, is it?
No, it isn't. Also, you shouldn't drink on an empty stomach. Always have a meal or a snack while you're drinking.
是的 。此外,不可以空腹喝酒 。喝酒的时候最好与饭菜或者点心搭配 。
OK. I'd better plan my nights out a bit better from now on.
好的,现在起我得好好规划下我的夜生活了 。
Good idea. The other thing I need to talk to you about is recreational drugs. Taking drugs can be more harmful for diabetics than for non-diabetics.
好主意 。接下来我还得跟你聊聊毒品 。糖尿病患者吸毒的危害远大于非糖尿病患者 。
Yeah. Honestly, I stay away from drugs.
是的,老实说,我已经远离毒品了 。
That's good. You still need to understand what can happen just in case.
非常好 。不过为了以防万一,你还是需要明白这样做的后果 。
I suppose so.
我也这么认为 。
Taking drugs like speed or ecstasy can change your diabetes routine. You may not eat your meals on time or you may forget your insulin.
吸食speed或者ecstasy等毒品会改变你的糖尿病常规 。你可能会忘记吃饭或者注射胰岛素 。
I wouldn't do that.
我会那样做的 。
It' good to be aware of what might happen.
最好还是了解一下这样做的危害 。
Which is?
Drugs are like alcohol. They can make your blood sugars drop. You could have a hypo.
毒品与酒精无异 。同样会引起血糖下降 。你可能会受到刺激 。
I'll be careful.
我会多加注意的 。
That's good. Ring me if you need to ask any questions, won't you?
很好 。需要帮助的话可以随时给我打电话,行吗?
Thanks, Rosie. I know I can always talk to you.
多谢,罗西 。我知道我可以随时找你帮忙 。