We're just going to tuck the slide sheet under you, Mrs. McKenzie.
McKenzie夫人,我们现在要把滑单放到你身子下面 。
We'll be able to lift you up the bed then.
这样我们就能把你从床上扶起来了 。
All right.
好的 。
First, roll over on your left side.
首先,身体往左边侧一下 。
That's it, Mrs. McKenzie.
对,McKenzie夫人 。
That's good. Su's going to tucking the slide sheet.
很好,Su现在要把滑单放下去了 。
OK. Ready.
好,准备 。
Now, roll over on the other side.
现在身体往右边侧一下 。
That's it.
对 。
I'll just pull the slide sheet through to my side.
我直接把滑单从你身子底下拉到我这边来 。
Now, just relax. Julia and I are going to help move you up the bed.
现在放轻松,我跟Julia要把你从床上扶起来了 。
All right.
好的 。
OK. 1-2-3, lift!
Now, roll over again on your left side.
现在再往左边侧一下 。
That's it! I'll take out the slide sheet now.
对,就是这样,现在我要把滑单拿出来了 。
OK. I'll lift up the head of the bed so you can eat your lunch.
好,我把床头移高点,方便你吃午饭 。
Thank you.
谢谢 。