剑桥护理英语(MP3+中英字幕) 第29期:协助病人进食
日期:2016-05-10 17:21
Hello, Mr. Gimlet. I've got your lunch for you.
你好,吉姆雷特先生 。我给您带来了午饭 。
太好了 。
Are you sitting up comfortably in the chair?
Yes, thanks.
好的,多谢 。
That's good. Now, don't rush, there's plenty of time.
好了,现在不要着急,我们还有很多时间 。
That's good.
好的 。
The OT's sent a few things to help you feed yourself.
职业治疗师送来一些东西帮助您进食 。
Oh, yes?
She sent a special bowl for you to try.
送了一只特制的碗给您 。
What for?
It's a non-slip bowl.
这是一只防滑碗 。
That's a good idea.
这真是个不错的主意 。
She's also sent you a non-tip cup.
她还送了你一个无尖端杯子 。
That's useful.
这真的是太有用了 。
There are some modified utensils for you to use, too.
这里还有一套特制的餐具供你使用 。
You mean those spoons?
Yes. They're easier for you to hold.
是的,这些器具你抓起来很方便 。
Well, I'll try them out.
好的,我会试试看的 。