Ms. Slessor was admitted to H Wing from a Nursing Home this morning.
今天早上,斯莱瑟小姐从私人疗养院转到美国圣述德儿童研究医院了 。
She's an obese lady who needs quite a bit of assistance to mobilise.
她身体有些笨重,所以移动的时候需要别人的帮助 。
She uses a wheelchair as she is very unsteady on her feet.
她站不稳的时候需要使用轮椅站立 。
She needs the assistance of 2 nurses and a hoist for all moving and handling.
她需要两名护士的搀扶,需要借助固定器移动、起身 。
We used the handling sling to get her up to a standing position from the wheelchair.
我们用吊绳帮她从轮椅上站立 。
We also used a handling sling to get her to sit over the edge of the bed.
我们还用吊绳帮她坐在床沿边 。
Use a slide sheet to turn her or move her in bed as she is quite heavy.
因为体重的缘故,我们用滑单辅助她翻身以及在床上的移动 。
She needs the commode chair to take her to the toilet or for a shower.
上厕所和淋浴时需要借助大便座椅 。
You'll need the patslide to transfer her to a trolley when she goes for an x-ray this afternoon.
今天下午做X光线检查时,你需要用转移板把病人扶到手推车上 。