All right, Mr. Heath. I'll help you to the bathroom so you can have a shower.
好了,希思先生 。我来帮您洗个澡 。
Thank you, Joe.
谢谢你,乔 。
I'll just get your walking frame for you.
我去帮您取助行器 。
It's over there.
就在那里 。
OK. Up you get.
好的,你快起来吧 。
That's right.
好 。
Do you want to go to the toilet first?
Yes, Joe. I think that's a good idea.
好的,乔,我有点想上厕所了 。
All right. Turn the walker around.
好的,转一下助行器 。
That's it. You can sit on the toilet now.
搞定了 。现在你可以坐在马桶上了 。
The raised toilet seat you brought last week is much better than the old one I had.
上周你带来的能调升的马桶比之前那个旧的好用多了 。
Good. I'll take off your pyjamas while you finish.
很好,等你结束了,我再帮你脱下衣服 。
多谢 。
Nearly finished.
快结束了 。
That's OK. Finished now?
Yes. I'm ready now.
是的 。
I'll wipe your bottom.
我来帮你擦一下 。
OK. All done.
好的 。擦完了 。
Thanks, Joe. It's a bit embarrassing.
谢谢你,乔 。真是太尴尬了 。
Don't worry. No problem.
别介意,没关系的 。
Now, can you walk to the shower chair with your walking frame, please?
Yes, right.
是的,没问题 。
Hold the grab bar in the shower. That's good. I'll put your walking fame outside the bathroom until we need it.
抓住淋浴旁边的扶手 。对,就是这样 。我先把助行器放在浴室外面 。
The grab bar's useful, too.
扶手杆也可以临时抓着站立 。
Yes, it helps to hand something to hold onto so you feel steady. Now, sit on the shower chair.
是的,抓着扶手杆可以让身体保持平衡 。现在,坐到淋浴椅上吧 。
OK. Here we go.
行,那咱们开始吧 。
I'll just put your feet on the non-slip mat. I don't want you to slip.
我会把你的双脚放在防滑垫上,我可不想你摔倒 。
Neither do I.
我也不想 。