Hello, Usha. How are you feeling today?
Hello, Judy. I feel a bit down today.
嗨,朱迪,我今天的心情不是很好 。
I'm sorry to hear that. Anything you want to talk about?
听你这么说我很难过 。你想要跟我谈一谈吗?
I'm still in a lot of pain.
我现在仍然觉得很痛苦 。
Dear! I see. You don't think the pain is getting any better with your treatment?
哦!我知道了 。你是不是觉得自己的治疗没什么效果?
No. I feel it's getting worse.
是的,我反而觉得更加糟糕了 。
Did you have radiotherapy yesterday?
Yes, in the morning. It made me feel quite sick.
是的,早上做的 。做完之后感觉很恶心 。
I know. Radiotherapy can make you feel quite sick.
我知道 。做完放疗后想呕吐这是很正常的 。
I don't feel like eating at all.
而且,我现在没什么食欲 。
Why don't I get you some medication for pain and nausea.
Yes, please. Then I might try to have a rest.
好的,辛苦你了 。我觉得自己还是休息一下为好 。
Good idea. I'll bring you the injection right now.
说得对,我现在就给你取注射剂 。
多谢 。
Can I get you a cup of tea, too?
Thanks, Judy. I'd like that.
好的,谢谢你,朱迪 。