Hello, Samira. I'm Bessie. I'm your nurse for today. How are you?
你好,萨米拉 。我是贝西 。我是你的护理护士,最近怎么样?
OK, thanks.
很好,谢谢 。
That's good. I'm going to take your Obs. now.
那就好,我来给你做常规检查 。
What's that?
It's your temperatur, pulse and respirations, that's how many breaths per minute, and your weight. I need to check your blood pressure and your oxygen sats, too.
就是你的体温,脉搏跳动和呼吸也就是每分钟的呼吸频率,还有你的体重 。另外,还需要检查你的血压和血氧饱和度 。
好的 。
Right. I'll just take your temperature with this special thermometer in your ear and wait for the beep.
好吧,我需要把这个特殊的温度计放进你的耳朵里 。
What's my temperature?
Your tepms 37.3. That's good.
体温是37.3摄氏度,很正常 。
Now what?
I'll get the rest of the information from this machine. Lift up your arm for me, please. That's it. I'll wrap the cuff around your arm.
还需要用这台机器给您测量一下,请您举一下胳膊,对就是这样 。我需要把这个血压带绑在你的胳膊上 。
Is that OK?
Yes, that's fine. Now, I'll just clip this lead on your finger.
是的,这就好了 。现在把这个夹到你的手指上 。
What's that for?
It measures the amount of oxygen in your blood.
是为了测量血液中的氧气含量 。
我知道了 。
I'll turn on the machine now.
我现在已经启动这台机器了 。
What does it say?
Your blood pressure's 100/68. That's fine. Your pulse is 64. That's OK, too. Your oxygen sats are 98%. That's the percentage of oxygen in your blood.
你的血压为100/68 。很正常 。你的脉搏跳动指数为64 。也没有什么问题 。血氧饱和度为98%,就是指血液中的氧气含量 。
Is that good?
Yes, it's fine. That's all from this machine. I counted your respirations while you were watching the machine. Your resps are 18 breaths a minute.
是的,很正常 。就这些了 。你看这台机器的时候我已经测量出你的呼吸频率 。每分钟18次 。
I didn't even know you were doing it!
我都不知道你什么时候测量的 。
I know. OK, I'll weigh you now. Samira, can you stand on these scales for me, please?
好了,现在称体重 。萨米拉 。请到体重秤上站一下 。
好的 。
That's a good girl.
真是个听话的好孩子 。
How much do I weigh?
Let's see. You weigh 45 kilos.
我看看啊,体重是45公斤 。
Am I finished now?
Yes, that's it!
是的,检查结束 。