District Nurse Liaison, Fiona speaking.
呼叫护士区,我是菲奥娜 。
Hi, Fiona. It's Vivien from the Alexandra Hospital.
你好,菲欧娜 。我是亚历山德拉医院的薇薇安 。
Hi, Vivien. How are you?
你好,薇薇安 。最近怎么样?
Good, thanks. Have you got the fax with Mrs. Bartle's prescription yet?
很好,多谢关心 。请问,你收到巴特尔女士的药方传真了吗?
Let me see.
稍等,我看一下 。
Yes. I have it with me now.
是的,我现在收到了 。
Great. Can you please pass on the prescription to the District Nurse who'll be looking after Mrs. Bartle?
Sure. So, she'll need Vitamin B12 injections every 2 months?
好的 。那么,她需要每两个月注射一次维他命B12,对吗?
Yes. Vitamin B12, 1000 micrograms intramuscular.
是的 。维他命B12,肌肉注射1000微克 。
And she'll have the injections for 6 months. Is that right?
Yes. She has an appointment with Dr. Nuttall in 6 months for a check-up.
对,她已经与纳托尔医生预约了6个月的检查 。
OK. I'll pass the prescription on to Sara. She'll be looking after Mrs. Bartle.
好的,我会把药方转交给萨拉 。她是负责照看巴特尔女士的护士 。
Thanks. Can you also ask Sara to keep in touch with Mrs. Bartle's GP?
多谢 。能不能请你转告萨拉与巴特尔女士的家庭医生保持联系?
Yes, sure. Dr. Fildes is her GP, isn't he?
好的,当然可以 。她的家庭医生是菲尔德斯,对吧?
Yes, he is.
没错 。
All right. I'll let Sara know when she comes back to the office.
好的 。萨拉回来的时候我会转告她的 。
Thanks. Bye.
多谢,再见 。
再见 。