Hello, Mrs. Noonan. How are you today?
你好,努南 。你今天感觉如何?
Not too bad, thanks.
还好,多谢 。
Mrs. Noonan, I'm afraid I need to put a tube through your nose into your stomach now.
努南女士,恐怕我现在得把胃管从鼻孔插进您的胃里 。
It sounds awful.
听起来好可怕啊 。
I know, it's not very pleasant but I'll try to make you as comfortable as possible.
我知道,听着是有点吓人,但是我会尽力让您感觉舒服的 。
All right.
好吧 。
I'll show you everything I'm going to use so you'll understand what's happening.
我先给您看看需要用到的医疗器械,这样您就了解接下来的过程了 。
好的 。
I'll just turn off the TV so we are not distracted.
我帮您把电视关了,这样我们可以专心治疗了 。
没问题 。
Here's the tube which goes into your stomach.
这个就是胃管 。
It's very long.
好长啊 。
That's because it has to go in through your nose and down into your stomach.
因为胃管需要从您的鼻孔引入到胃里所以有点长 。
I see.
我明白了 。
I'll get your to swallow as I feed the tube through your nose.
我将胃管插入您的鼻孔后,需要您慢慢进行吞咽 。
I'm really nervous about this. I don't know if I can do it.
我真的好紧张 。我不知道自己能否做的来 。
It's OK. I'll stop if you need a break. Just hold up your hand and I'll stop straight away.
没关系的 。要是您想休息咱们可以暂停一下 。您只要举手示意下,我会立刻停止 。
You will?
Yes. Just hold up your hand and I'll stop.
是的 。您只要举手,我就会停止 。
Right. I feel a bit better about it now.
好的,我现在感觉好多了 。
All right. OK if I start now?
Yes, go ahead.
好的,开始吧 。