Hello, Janice. How was your chemo today?
嗨,贾尼斯 。今天的化疗你觉得怎么样?
It was OK, I suppose.
我觉得还好 。
I'm sure you're fed up with it by now.
你现在一定很厌烦这项疗程了吧 。
Yes, I am. I am trying to cope, but it's hard.
是的 。我真想与之作斗争,但是太难了 。
Cope with the chemo, you mean?
Yes, the chemo, feeling sick and being in hospital away from my family.
是的,我说的是化疗,是化疗让我一直恶心想吐,是化疗让我困在远离家人的医院里 。
Your husband was in to visit this morning. How's he doing?
你的丈夫今早来探望你了 。他最近怎么样?
He's having a few problems. He doesn't like to talk about my illness.
他最近有一些烦心事 。他不喜欢谈论我的病情 。
That must be hard for you.
你一定很难过吧 。
Yes, it is.
是的 。
Thanks for listening. It's good to have a chat. Sometimes, it's hard to talk to my family about how I feel.
谢谢你听我倾诉 。跟你聊了几句之后感觉好多了 。有时候反而跟家人不方便倾诉我的感受 。
That's OK. No problem.
别客气 。以后可以随时跟我沟通 。