Do you mind if I take your blood pressure?
No, I don't mind. I'll roll up my sleeve for you.
不介意 。稍等,我把袖子卷起来 。
Thanks. That makes it easier.
谢谢,这样就方便多了 。
Is it OK if I do your dressing now?
Yes, that's fine. I've just had a shower.
可以 。我刚刚洗完澡 。
Good. I've got everything ready for you here.
很好 。一切都已经准备就绪 。
Can I check your blood glucose level?
Sure. I hope it's OK.
当然可以 。希望我的血糖值正常 。
It should be OK. It was OK last time.
应该没问题 。上次测量的血糖值很正常 。
I need to see your identity bracelet. Is that all right?
我需要确认一下您的腕带 。可以吗?
Yes. Here it is.
可以,给你 。
Thanks. Yes. That's all right.
多谢 。是的,没错 。
Is it all right if I give you this injection?
OK. It's a painkiller, isn't it?
可以 。这是止痛药,对吧?
That's right.
是的 。
I need to put up a new IV bag. Is that OK?
That's OK. Is it the last one?
No, one more after this one.
不是的,这袋滴完之后还有一袋 。