I've got your discharge medication here, Mr. Feldman. I just need to explain a few things to you.
这些是你的出院药品,费尔德曼先生 。我需要跟你嘱咐几句 。
Right. What have you got there?
This one is your antibiotic. Make sure you take it on an empty stomach.
这是抗生素 。记住这是需要空腹服用的 。
Take it before I eat.
吃饭之前服用 。
That's right. Now, this is your inhaler. You must rinse your mouth with water after you use it.
没错 。现在,这是吸气器 。用完之后记得漱口 。
OK. Clean my mouth after I use it.
好的,使用完之后漱口 。
The last one is the lotion for your rash. It's important that you shake the bottle so you mix the contents well.
最后的这个是皮疹专用洗液 。记得要摇一下瓶子里面的药物才能均匀 。
OK, I'll do that.
好的,会按你说的做的 。
Mrs. Tinsdale, your medications have come up from pharmacy.
汀斯戴尔女士,这些药需要药方配给 。
I was waiting for them.
我知道了 。
I've got 2 medications. Here are the eye drops. They only last a month so remember to discard the contents after this date.
现在有两种药品 。这个是眼药水 。保质期为一个月,一旦过期要立刻扔掉 。
After September the 16th.
也就是说过了9月16号以后要扔掉 。
Don't forget to keep the eye drops in the fridge.
千万别忘了将眼药水放进冰箱 。
Thanks for reminding me.
多谢提醒 。
You've also got a tablet to take twice a day. You must avoid too much sun with these tablets. You could burn easily.
这个药片一天两次 。服用该药品之后应避免阳光直射 。否则会容易晒伤的 。
好的 。