Come on lovie. Let's get that nappy off.
快过来,亲爱的,我们需要换尿布了 。
Oh, dear.
哦,天哪 。
That smells awful! What have you been eating?
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do it.
很抱歉 。我不是故意的 。
You're very naughty, aren't you?
That's disgusting!
Sorry, sorry.
抱歉,真是抱歉 。
Nurse, I didn't ring the bell on time. I think I've wet myself.
护士,我没有准时按呼叫器 。我觉得我已经弄脏了 。
That's OK, Mrs. Crawford. These things happen. I'll get a fresh pad for you.
没关系的,克劳福德女士,这种事经常发生 。我去为您取一个新的尿布 。
I'm so sorry. It's awful for you to have to do this.
很抱歉,让你做这样的事情真不好意思 。
Don't worry. It's OK. I'll sort it out for you.
别担心,这没什么的,我帮你清理一下 。
I'm sorry.
很抱歉 。
That's all right. All done. I'll put the call bell closer so you can reach it next time.
好了,收拾完毕 。我把呼叫器放在离你近的地方,下次按就方便了 。
Thank you. You're very kind.
多谢 。你人真好 。
I'll close the door to give you some privacy.
我把门关上,您好好休息吧 。
Thank you. It's very embarrassing.
多谢,真是太不好意思了 。
That's all right. No problem. Can you lift up for me and I'll put the bedpan under you?
没事的 。您能稍微抬一下吗?我好将便盆放在您的身下?
Is that all right?
That's fine.
很好 。
Just press the call bell when you're ready.
有需要的时候只要摁一下呼叫器就可以啦 。
Thanks a lot.
多谢 。
Come on now, no one can see you.
趁现在没人,快方便吧 。
But they can. The door's open.
可是门还开着呢,会有人看见的 。
Come on. Do a wee for me in the bottle like a good man.
快点 。像个正常人一样快点解决完 。
I can't! It won't come out. I want the door shut, please.
我做不到!我方便不出来 。请你把门关上吧 。
Let's do it quickly, shall we?
I can't! I'm sorry. I just can't like this.
我做不到!很抱歉,这样我真的做不到 。