All right, Mylene. Let's get the next IV bag ready. Before we start, we need to wash our hands.
好了,麦林 。准备好第二袋药 。换药之前,我们需要先洗手 。
Right. Of course.
哦,好的 。
OK. Now we can start. First, we'll check the IV solution against the IV Prescription.
现在我们开始 。首先,检查一下药液上的处方 。
OK. The prescription is for 5% Dextrose.
好的,处方上显示的5%葡萄糖溶液 。
That's it. Here's the IV infusion. Can you check it with me? This is a bag of 5% Dextrose.
是的 。这是静脉注射器 。你可以跟我一起核对下吗?这是一袋5%葡萄糖含量的溶液 。
Yes, I can see the label. 5% Dextrose.
对,标签上有显示 。葡萄糖含量5% 。
Next, I'm going to prime the line. To prime the line, you run the IV fluid through the IV tubing of the giving set.
接下来,准备好输液管 。需要让药液在输液管内进行试流 。
The giving set has one end to go into the IV bag and the other end is for connection to the patient's cannula. Is that right?
输液管的一端连着输液袋,另一端连在病人的插管上 。对吗?
That's right. We're going to run this IV infusion through an IV infusion pump. Next, we need to set the rate on the infusion pump. What's the rate, Mylene?
是的,现在我们可以让药液流进输液泵里 。之后我们还需要调节一下输液泵里的滴速 。规定的滴速为多少,麦林?
The rate's 125 mils per hour.
滴率为每小时125密耳 。
That's right. It's an 8-hour liter. After that, I'll start the infusion pump. Don't worry, Mr. Lenworth, the pump is just running a test.
是的,这是8小时一升的药液容量 。准备好之后,打开输液泵 。别担心,伦沃斯先生,只是打开输液泵测试一下 。
Right. Noisy, isn't it?
Yes, it is. OK, that's ready. Now, I'll connect the IV to Mr. Lenworth's cannula. Then, I'll start the infusion pump. All right, Mr. Lenworth?
打开后就是这样的 。好了,一切准备就绪 。现在,该给伦沃斯先生进行注射了 。然后,我再打开输液泵,好吗,伦沃斯先生?
Yes, that's fine.
好的,没关系 。
Now we both have to sign the IV Prescription.
现在咱们两个都需要在处方上签字 。
OK. Here?
That's right. The last thing is to write up the Fluid Balance Chart.
是的,最后就只剩下记录好药液名称了 。
OK, I think I have all that.
好的,我想我已经差不多掌握了 。
Let's go over it again. Can you tell me the 7 steps we went through?
咱们来回顾一下 。你可以复述一下刚才的七个步骤吗?
Yes, I think I can. Before you start, wash your hands. First, check the IV bag against the IV order.
应该可以 。开始之前,要先洗手 。第一,核对药液上的处方 。
Next, prime the line of the giving set. Then, set the rate on the infusion pump.
接下来,开始准备进行注射 。然后调节好输液泵的滴速 。
After that, connect the IV to the patient's cannula and then start the infusion.
之后,将药液接入病人的插管上,开始进行注射 。
Finally, sign the IV Prescription and write up the IV infusion on the Fluid Balance Chart.
最后,在药液的处方上签字,并登记好所输药液 。
Well done.
很不错 。