Hello, Mrs. Jessop. You're having your CT scan today.
你好,杰索普夫人 。您今天需要做CT扫描 。
What time is the CT scan?
It's at 10.30. The porter's coming in a little while, so I'll help you get ready.
10:30的时候 。护工一会就到 。我先帮您起床 。
Do I have to take all my clothes off?
Yes, please. I'll help you put on this gown. Just put your arms through the sleeves of the gown and I'll tie it at the back for you.
是的 。我帮您穿上这件长袍 。您只需要把胳膊伸到袖子里,我从后面帮您系上 。
Thank you.
多谢 。
I'll help you into the wheelchair. Here it is.
我帮您做轮椅 。这里 。
Thank you.
谢谢你 。
I'll just transfer your IV to the IV pole on the wheelchair.
我把您的静脉注射瓶挂在轮椅上 。
Oh, I forgot about that.
哦,我差点忘了 。
I'll just put the footplate down for you.
我帮您把踏板放下来 。
好的 。
Lift up your feet and put them on the footplate. That's it.
抬起您的双脚然后放在踏板上 。非常好 。
My feet are cold.
我的双脚冰凉 。
I'll put your slippers on for you.
我来帮您穿上拖鞋 。
Thank you. How long is it going to take?
谢谢 。做扫描需要多久时间?
You'll probably be in Radiology for about an hour.
您可能得在放射科待一小时左右 。