Mr. Connolly, have you got an ID bracelet on?
Yes. Here it is.
是的,在这儿 。
I just need to check your personal details. Can I look at your ID bracelet, please?
我需要核查一下你的个人信息 。我可以看一下你的腕带吗?
当然可以 。
Can you tell me your full name please?
John Everson Connolly.
约翰·艾佛森·康诺利 。
Right. That's correct on the bracelet. What's your date of birth, please?
好的 。腕带上的是正确的 。你的出生日期呢?
The 30th of November 1934.
1934年11月30号 。
30th of November 1934, right. Now your hospital number is 463817. I'll just check that on the identity bracelet. 463815! Oh no, that's wrong.
好的,1934年11月30号 。你的入院编号为463817 。我看一下你的腕带上的编号是否正确 。463815,哦,这里出错了 。
Dear! Better change that then. Anything else?
天哪,那赶紧换过来 。还有其他的问题吗?
One more question. Do you have any allergies?
Yes, I do. I'm allergic to morphine. It makes me very sick.
是的,对麻醉剂过敏 。会呕吐得很严重 。
If you're allergic to something, you should have a red identity bracelet. I'll change that for you right away.
如果你有过敏史,你应该配戴红色的医疗腕带 。我现在就给你调换 。
Thanks, Stephen. I forgot to tell them about the allergy.
谢谢你,斯蒂芬 。我忘记告诉他们过敏的事情了 。
That's OK, Mr. Connolly. That's what we like to check everything carefully.
没关系的,康诺利先生 。这是我们应该做的 。