Hello, Ms. Bhaskhar. Has it really been 3 months since I saw you last?
你好,Bhaskhar女士 。距离咱们上次见面真的已经三个月了吗?
Yes, it has. Time flies!
是的 。时光如梭呀!
I've got the lab results here for you.
我已经拿到你的检查结果了 。
How are the results?
Overall, much better than last time. Your glycated haemoglobin is 7%.
总的来说,比上次的情况好 。你的糖化血红蛋白为7% 。
Is that good?
It should be less than 7%.
低于7%为正常值 。
That's not good then.
情况还是不太好 。
Don't worry, it's less than the last time.
不用担心,这次的数值比上次低了许多 。
What about my cholesterol?
It's 5.0, which is less than last time.
胆固醇含量为5.0,比上次的低 。
What's normal?
It should be less than 5. A higher result may not be good for your heart.
应该低于为5 。胆固醇含量过高的话对心脏不好 。
What about my blood pressure?
Let's see. I'll take it now.
我看一下 。我现在帮您测量 。
It's 130/70.
血压指数为130/70 。
What was it last time?
130/70, so it's stayed the same.
也是130/70,血压没有变化 。
That's great. Do you think I've lost weight?
太好了 。你觉得我体重变轻了吗?
We'll see. Hop on the scales.
咱们看一下 。上体重称测量一下 。
You weigh 85 kilos, so you've lost 5 kilos!
That's good, isn't it?
It sure is. What have you been doing to lose weight?
是的 。你是怎么减下来的?
I've been exercising more. I swim 3 times a week now.
我一直多加锻炼 。我现在每周会游泳三次 。
That's really good. How do you find the new diet?
这个习惯很好 。你觉得新式饮食效果如何?
It's quite good actually. I'm certainly eating less.
非常不错 。我确实饭量变小了 。
Terrific! I've made an appointment for you on December the 13th at 11 am. Is that OK?
太好了!我为你预约了12月13日上午11点的看诊号 。可以吗?
Yes, that's fine. I'm going to try to lose some more weight by the next visit.
可以 。我会努力在下次就诊前变得更瘦 。