Hello, Luisa. Can you tell me how Mr. Kransky's doing?
你好,路易莎 。你知道克林斯基最近怎么样吗?
He's doing quite well but he still has difficulty swallowing.
他好多了,但是吞咽还是有点困难 。
Has he seen the Speech and Language Therapist yet?
Yes. He sees him every day to do tongue exercises to help his swallow reflex.
是的 。治疗师每天都来帮他做舌头练习,让他吞咽更加灵活 。
That's good. How's he doing with the exercises?
很好 。那他练习得如何?
He's doing well with the tongue exercises.
他练习得很不错 。
What type of diet is he on now?
He started on a pureed diet yesterday.
昨天开始吃浓稠些的食物了 。
How's he finding the pureed diet?
He's managing well.
他做的很不错 。
What about fluids?
He's still having thickened fluids and he's coping quite well with them.
他现在还在吃浓稠些的流食,并且在这方面适应的很好 。
Can he feed himself yet?
No, not yet. He still needs help with feeding.
不,现在还不行呢 。他还是得需要别人的帮助 。
OK. I'll write a referral to the OT.
好的,我会给作业疗法写一份参考 。
Thanks. Maybe she can bring a few things to help him feed himself.
多谢 。也许她能给出一些让病人独立吃饭的好建议 。
Right. Can you continue with the pureed diet and thickened fluids until his swallow reflex is better.
好的 。病人的吞咽情况变好之前请让他坚持吃浓稠些的流食 。
Sure. I'll make a note of that.
当然,我一定好好记下 。
OK. I'll review him at the end of the week.
好的,这周晚些时候我会再来检查的 。
OK, thanks.
好的,多谢 。