Helena, could you please show me how to change Mr. Lenworth's IV bag?
Sure, Mylene. What's the next IV infusion?
当然可以啦,麦林 。下一袋药液是什么?
The next one's 5% Dextrose.
5%葡萄糖溶液 。
OK. How long would the infusion run?
It'll run over 8 hours.
八小时可以输完一袋 。
That's right. What's the infusion rate?
好的 。输液的速率是多少?
It's a liter, so that's a thousand mils. It's running over 8 hours. It'll run at 125 mils per hour.
容量是一升,也就是一千密耳 。八小时输完的话,就是每小时125密耳 。
That's right. How much fluid's left in the current bag?
说得对 。现在这袋的药量还有多少?
I'll just look on the infusion pump.
我看一下输液袋上的刻度 。
There's 60 mils left.
还剩下60密耳 。
When do we need to put up the next bag?
In about 30 minutes.
大约30分钟后 。
That's right, because it's running at 125 mils an hours. I'll show you how to put up the next bag.
速率为每小时125密耳,所以你说的很对 。我给你展示一下怎么换第二袋药 。