剑桥护理英语(MP3+中英字幕) 第37期:如何帮病人起身?
日期:2016-07-13 18:06
Can Mrs. Kovacs sit up in bed?
Yes, she can. She uses the rope ladder to help her to sit up in bed.
可以,她用软梯帮忙能从床上坐起来 。
OK. What about Mrs. Hartley?
很好 。Hartley夫人呢?
You'll need the slide sheet to turn her in bed.
需要用滑单协助她在床上翻身 。
Can Ms. Sayed lift up her bottom for a bedpan?
Yes. I put a monkey pole on the bed for her.
能,我在她的床上放了一个活动竿 。
Good. How do you get Mrs. Phillips up?
You have to use the hoist. She can't move much at all now.
必须得用牵引机,她自己现在还不能动 。
OK. Thanks.
好,谢谢 。