Hello, Walter. How are you this morning?
Not too bad.
还可以 。
That's good. I've brought a hoist to get you on your feet for a short walk today.
很好 。我给你带了个固定器,让你能站起来出去散个步 。
Do I have to?
You'll be fine, Walter. It's important to mobilise quickly after your operation.
别担心,手术后及时活动很重要 。
All right.
好的 。
I'll bring the hoist up close first.
我先把固定器拿到你跟前 。
好 。
Put your arms up and I'll attach the straps of the sling to the hoist.
把胳膊举起来,我把肩上的带子栓到固定器上 。
Are they on?
Yes. Now, put your feet into your slippers.
嗯,现在穿上拖鞋 。
好 。
Yes, that's right. Now, relax and I'll hoist you up.
嗯,很好 。现在放松,我把你升起来 。
That was easy.
很容易啊 。
Good, now hold onto the bars with both hands.
很好,现在两只手抓着扶手 。
That's easier with the hoist.
有固定器后轻松一些 。
Yes. You're doing very well. Now, take a few steps.
嗯,你做的很好,现在走几步试试 。
All right.
好 。
Just go for a short walk today. Tomorrow you can go a bit further.
今天走一小段就行,明天你可以多走点 。