Surgery on fractures are very much dependent on what bone is broken, where it is broken,
and whether the orthopedic surgeon believes that the break is at risk for moving out of place once the bone fragments have been aligned.
If the surgeon is concerned that the bones will heal improperly, an operation will be needed.
若医生认为骨骼无法正常恢复,那就需要进行手术 。
Sometimes bones that appear to be aligned normally are splinted, and at a recheck appointment, are found to be unstable and require surgery.
许多正常复位的病患是通过夹板实现的,但有时在复查中会发现不稳定情况,这就需要手术来解决 。
Surgery can include closed reduction and casting, where under anesthesia,
the bones are manipulated so that alignment is restored and a cast is placed to hold the bones in that alignment.
医生对骨骼进行操作,让骨骼重新进行复位,并完成固定复位的固定器 。
Sometimes, the bones are broken in such a way that they need to have metal hardware inserted to hold them in place.
有时骨折处需要植入金属固定物来固定 。
Open reduction means that, in the operating room, the skin is cut open and pins,plates, or rods are inserted into the bone to hold it in place until healing occurs.
在手术室中,开放复位就是将皮肤组织切开,将楔,托板或杆植入骨折处,直到伤口愈合 。
Depending on the fracture, some of these pieces of metal are permanent (never removed),
and some are temporary until the healing of the bone is complete and surgically removed at a later time
但对于暂时性植入,医生要等到愈合完全后手术移除 。
译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。
1.depend on 取决于
例句:My wife and daughter depend on me for their living.
我妻子女儿靠我生活 。
2.insert into 植入
例句:He took a small key from his pocket and slowly inserted it into the lock.
他从口袋里掏出一把小钥匙,慢慢地插到锁眼里 。
3.at risk 有风险
例句:The disease is spreading, and all children under five are at risk.
这疾病在蔓延, 五岁以下的小孩都有危险 。
4.so that 所以
例句:I'll give you all the facts so that you can judge for yourself.
我把所有事实都告诉你, 使你得以自己作出判断 。