The ribs are especially vulnerable to injury and are prone to breaking due to a direct blow.
肋骨极容易受伤,它会因直接暴力而骨折 。
Rib X-rays are rarely taken as it doesn’t matter if the rib is broken or just bruised.
若肋骨发生骨折或挫伤,我们很少对肋骨进行X光检查 。
A chest X-ray is usually taken to make certain there is no collapse or bruising of the lung.
X线胸片可检查是否发生胸廓塌陷或挫伤 。
As we breathe, our ribs and lungs expand like a bellows.
当进行呼吸时,肺部和肋骨就会扩张成风箱 。
Air is sucked into our lungs when the ribs move out and the diaphragm moves down as we inhale.
吸气使肋骨向外运动,膈肌收缩 。
When a person has a rib injury, the pain associated with that injury,
肋骨受伤时,疼痛随之而来 。
be it a fracture or contusion (bruise), it makes breathing difiicult and the person has a tendency not to lake deep breaths.
不论是骨折还是挫伤,都会造成呼吸困难,患者会尽量避免深呼吸 。
If the lung underlying the injury does not expand, it is at risk for infection.
若肺部受伤处没有扩张,那将有感染风险 。
The person is then susceptible to pneumonia (lung infection) , which is characterized by fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
患者有患肺炎风险,病症为发烧、咳嗽以及呼吸急促 。
As opposed to other parts of the body that can rest when they are injured, it is very important to take deep breaths to prevent pneumonia when rib fractures are present.
身体其他部位受伤时可以通过休息缓解,而肋骨骨折时则要深呼吸以避免引发肺炎 。
The treatment for bruised and broken ribs is the same: ice to the chest wall, ibuprofen as an anti-inflammatory, deep breaths and pain medication.
治疗肋骨骨折或挫伤的办法相同,冰敷胸壁,使用消炎药物布洛芬,止疼药以及深呼吸 。
Even if all goes well, there will be significant pain for four to six weeks.
即使一切进展良好,疼痛感也会持续4-6周 。
With lower rib fractures, there may be concerned about organs in the abdomen that the ribs protect.
若下肋骨骨折,我们就要对受到下肋骨保护的腹部脏器进行关注 。
The liver is located under the ribs on the right side of the chest, and the spleen under the ribs on the left side of the chest.
肝脏位于肋骨下侧,胸部右侧,脾脏也在肋骨下侧,胸部左侧 。
Many times your doctor may be more worried about abdominal injury than about the broken rib itself.
医生对腹部损伤的重视程度要多于肋骨骨折 。
Ultrasound or CT scan may help diagnosis intra-abdominal injuries.
超声波或CT扫描可帮助诊断腹内器官损伤 。
译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。
1.deep breath 深呼吸
例句:He took a deep breath and dived into the water.
他深深吸了口气,然后跳进水里 。
2.due to 应归于
例句:The traffic accident was allegedly due to negligence.
这次车祸据说是由于疏忽造成的 。
3.at risk 有风险
例句:The report underlined his concern that standards were at risk.
报告强调了他对道德水准可能会受影响所表示的关注 。
4.associated with 与…有关
例句:She will ever be associated with the women's lib.
她将永远和女权运动联系在一起 。