Three basic types of muscle tissue are skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle.
三种最基本肌肉类型分别是骨骼肌,平滑肌以及心肌 。
These muscle tissues are either voluntary or involuntary.
上述肌肉组织有的为“随意肌”,有的为“非随意肌” 。
Voluntary muscle tissue allows the person to dictate the function.
人类可随意支配“随意肌” 。
The skeletal muscles of the arm and leg are examples of this type of muscle.
胳臂和腿部的骨骼肌为“随意肌” 。
Involuntary muscles generally act without any conscious direction from the person.
通常情况下,“非随意肌”无法跟随意识支配 。
The smooth muscles found in internal organs and cardiac muscles are examples of involuntary muscle tissue.
内脏器官的平滑肌,以及心肌均为“非随意肌” 。
Skeletal muscles are attached to the skeletal bones and allow for voluntary movement.
骨架骨上的骨骼肌为“随意肌” 。
These muscles are wrapped in layers of connective tissue called fascia.
骨骼肌被层层结缔组织所缠绕,我们将其称之为筋膜 。
The fascia covering tapers at each end of a skeletal muscle to form a very strong tendon.
筋膜覆盖在骨骼肌末端,形成肌腱 。
The tendon then inserts into the periosteum covering a bone to attach the muscle to the bone.
肌腱植入骨外膜,与肌肉附着的骨骼被骨外膜覆盖 。
Skeletal muscles are stimulated by motor neurons of the nervous system.
骨骼肌是通过神经系统的神经元刺激活动 。
Smooth muscle tissue is found in the walls of the hollow organs, such as the stomach, and tube-shaped organs, such as the respiratory airways and blood vessels.
平滑肌组织出现在中空器官壁,例如脏器胃,以及呼吸道,血管等管状器官 。
It is responsible for the involuntary muscle action associated with movement of the internal organs.
“非随意肌”运动与脏器运动有关 。
Cardiac muscle, or myocardium, occurs in the walls of the heart and allows for the heart’s involuntary pumping action.
心肌组成心脏壁,使心脏进行非随意性跳动 。
The name of a muscle often reflects its location, size, fiber direction, or number of attachment points, as the following examples illustrate.
肌肉命名通常会反应它的位置,大小、肌纤维方向或附着点多少,举例如下 。
Location:The term rectus abdominis means straight abdominal muscle.
地点:腹直肌意为垂直腹肌 。
Size:when gluteus, meaning rump area, is combined with maximus, meaning large, we have the term gluteus maximus.
大小:臂肌意为臂部,若加上表示“大”的“maximus”,就有了臂大肌(gluteus maximus)一词 。
Fiber direction:The adductor longus is the long thigh muscle responsible for adduction.
肌纤维方向:长收肌为负责内收的大腿肌 。
Number of attachment points:The term bi, meaning two, can form the medical term biceps,which stands for the muscle in the upper arm that has two heads or connecting points.
附着点多少:“bi”意为二,可组成医学名词“biceps”二头肌,意为有两个头肌或两个连接点的上臂肌肉 。
译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。
1.nervous system 神经系统
例句:So it is possible that the symptoms will not finally go until your nervous system is in a better state.
可能这些症状不会彻底消失,除非你的神经系统有所改善 。
2.such as 诸如
例句:Heroes such as Huang Jiguang will always live in the hearts of the people.
像黄继光这样的英雄人物, 将永远活在人民的心里 。
3.combine with 与...结合
例句:Closely combine with architecture, make full use of architecture conditions and natural resources.
与建筑紧密结合,充分利用建筑条件和自然资源 。
4.internal organ 内脏器官
例句:Promotes internal organ functions, and increase immunity of Koi.
促进体内各器官功能,增强锦鲤免疫力 。