Next, there needs to be a description of the fracture line.
接下来,我们需要对骨折线进行描述 。
Does the fracture line go across the bone (transverse) , at an angle (oblique) or does it spiral?
Is the fracture in two pieces or is it comminuted,in multiple pieces?
A greenstick fracture describes the situation when the bone partially breaks.
青枝骨折描述的是骨头部分断裂 。
This often occurs in infants and children where the bone hasn’t completely calcified and has the potential to bend instead of breaking completely through.
多见于婴儿和儿童,因骨骼没有完全钙化,骨头不会完全断裂,而是发生弯曲 。
It is similar to trying to break off a young branch or shoot from a tree (a green stick).
类似于试图折断一根嫩绿树枝,或从树上射击(嫩绿树枝) 。
Other fracture terms include torus or buckle fracture, again when only part of a bone breaks, but this may occur in adults as well.
其它骨折类型包括隆起骨折,隆起骨折也是部分骨折,但也会见于成人 。
Finally, the fracture's alignment is described as to whether the fracture fragments are displaced or in their normal anatomic position.
最后,骨折对位线描述的是骨折部位是否发生移位,或处在正常解剖位置 。
If the bones fragments aren't in the right place, they need to be reduced or placed back into their normal alignment.
若骨折部位不在正常位置,那么需要进行复位 。
A stress fracture is an overuse injury.
它是一种过度使用性损伤 。
Because of repeated micro-trauma, the bone can fail to absorb the shock that is being put upon it and become weakened.
因不断出现轻伤,骨骼无法吸收反复碰撞所产生的震动,变得更加脆弱 。
Often it is seen in the lower leg, the shin bone (tibia), or foot.
通常出现在小腿胫骨或脚骨 。
Athletes are at risk the most, because they have repeated footfalls on hard surfaces.
因常在硬地面行走,运动员受伤风险最大 。
Tennis players, basketball players, jumpers, and gymnasts are typically at risk.
尤其会出现在网球、篮球、跳高以及体操运动员身上 。
A march fracture is the name given to a stress fracture of the metatarsal or long bones of the foot.
行军骨折指的是跖骨或长骨疲劳性骨折 。
(It is named because it often occurs in soldiers who are required to march long distances.)
因常发生在长途行军的军人身上 。
Diagnosis is made by history and physical exam, though on occasion a bone scan, CT scan, or MRI may be done to confirm the diagnosis.
确诊方式通常为病历或体检,一次偶然的骨骼检测、CT检查或磁共振成像也能确诊 。
Treatment is conservative, rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen.
治疗方式为保守治疗,通过休息、冰敷以及服用像布洛芬等消炎药进行治疗 。
These fractures can take six to eight weeks to heal.
上述骨折的恢复时间为6-8周 。
Trying to return too quickly may cause re-injury, and may also allow the stress fracture to extend through the entire bone and displace.
拔苗助长或将再次造成损伤,应力性骨折也会延伸至整个骨骼,并最终造成移位 。
Surgery is not commonly performed for routine stress fractures.
常规应力性骨折治疗通常不进行手术 。
译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。
1.break off 折断
例句:Grace broke off a large piece of the clay.
格雷斯使劲掰掉了一大块陶土 。
2.physical exam 体检
例句:Before you conceive, see your health care provider for a physical exam.
在你怀孕以前,让医疗服务人员为你做一次身体检查 。
3.at risk 风险
例句:People of all ages are affected, but some groups are more at risk.
各龄年龄组的人都受影响,但有些年龄组的风险更高 。
4.instead of 而不是
例句:Why don't you play football instead of just looking on?