This is Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I'm Karen Hopkin.
When it comes to the ritual act of dating, participants often have very different expectations. Some hope to meet their soul mate. Others seek companionship. Some are looking for a good time and think that springing for a meal entitles them to one. And now a new study finds that some women say that, now and again, they just want to score some lobster tails.
The finding is in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science.
"You're probably wondering how we came up with this idea."
Brian Collisson, a social psychologist at Azusa Pacific University in California. Collisson says he's always been intrigued, in a scientific sense, by romantic relationships.
So when one of his co-authors—Trista Harig, also at Azusa Pacific—told him about this interesting new phenomenon that Maxim magazine had nicknamed a "foodie call":
"We were curious to explore how often women date men for food rather than a relationship."
In this study, the researchers focused on heterosexual women—in part because, based on longstanding cultural expectations, men often pick up the tab, particularly on a first date.
In a pair of online surveys, the researchers asked more than 1,000 women: Have you ever agreed to date someone you were not interested in a relationship with because he might pay for your meal?
"We found that approximately 23 to 33 percent of women surveyed had engaged in a 'foodie call.'"
Of those who admitted to having swiped right for the free eats, the majority claimed to have done so only occasionally or rarely. But about a quarter admitted accepting the restaurant outing with greater frequency.
The respondents most likely to engage in this type of dating-for-dinner behavior were those who endorsed traditional gender-role beliefs and who scored high on a personality test designed to detect what's called the Dark Triad.
"The dark triad refers to subclinical levels of psychopathy—which is a lack of remorse and empathy and perspective taking—Machiavellianism—which is where you purposely manipulate others for your own self-benefit—and narcissism, which is a grandiose and over-the-top self-love."
With that as a checklist, it might be possible to avoid the users who are in it for pasta—rather than possibilities.
Thanks for listening for Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I'm Karen Hopkin.
就约会的习惯行为而言,参与者的期待通常会大有不同 。有人希望遇见灵魂伴侣 。有人寻求陪伴 。还有人是为了得到一段美好的时光,他们认为请客吃饭使他们可以享受到美好时光 。现在,一项新研究发现,有些女性说她们有时只是想弄些龙虾尾吃 。
这项研究发表在《社会心理和人格科学》期刊上 。
“你可能想知道我们是怎么想到这个观点的 。”
加州阿兹塞太平洋大学的社会心理学家布莱恩·科里森说到 。科里森说,从科学意义上讲,他总是会被浪漫关系吸引 。
“我们很好奇,女性与男性约会不为恋爱而为美食的情况有多普遍 。”
在这项研究中,研究人员将关注点放在异性恋女性身上,部分原因是基于长期以来的文化期待,即男性通常会买单,尤其是第一次约会时 。
“我们发现,约23%至33%的受访女性去过‘蹭饭约会’ 。”
在那些承认为免费美食而约会的人中,大多数人称自已只是偶尔或很少这样做 。但有约四分之一的人承认,她们更频繁地接受去餐厅吃饭的约会 。
最可能参与这种为美食而约会行为的受访者,是支持传统性别角色信仰的人,而且往往在“黑暗三合一”人格测试中得分较高 。
“‘黑暗三合一人格’包括亚临床水平的心理变态,即缺乏自责、同理心和换位思考;马基雅维利主义,即为自身利益而故意操纵他人;以及自恋,即浮夸且过分的自爱 。”
拥有这份清单,也许可以避开只想吃意大利面而非寻找恋爱机会的约会对象 。
谢谢大家收听科学美国人——60秒科学 。我是凯伦·霍普金 。
1. now and again 有时;偶尔;时常;
Now and again he'd join in when we were playing video games.
我们玩电子游戏时,他偶尔会和我们一起玩 。
2. come up with 想出,提出(计划、想法等);
Keep your eye on these jokers, you never know what they will come up with.
留神那些活宝,你永远也不知道他们会想出什么样的主意 。
3. pick up the tab 付账,承担费用;
Pollard picked up the tab for dinner that night.
那天的晚饭是波拉德掏的钱 。
4. engage in 参与;从事;
I have never engaged in the drug trade.
我从未参与过毒品交易 。