When you walk down the cereal aisle, do you ever get the feeling that Cap'n Crunch is looking at you·
当你走在超市中的谷类粮食通道时,是否曾经感觉Cap'n Crunch 上的船长先生正注视着你?
Well, that's just silly.
嗯,这确实挺荒唐的 。
He's actually looking at your kids.
他实际上是在看你的孩子们 。
That's according to a study by Brian Wansink and colleagues at Cornell's Food and Brand Lab.
这是根据康奈尔食品及品牌实验室布莱恩·万斯克及其同事的研究所得出的结论 。
The researchers wondered whether the characters on cereal boxes actually make eye contact.
研究人员们对谷类食品包装盒上的卡通角色是否会和顾客进行眼神交流感到好奇 。
And whether that could influence a shopper's choice of breakfast fare.
以及这种互动是否会影响到顾客对于早餐种类的选择 。
So they hit the cereal aisle.
因此他们来到了超市的谷类食品通道 。
And they found that kids' cereals tend to be placed on lower shelves than grownup offerings.
他们发现儿童类谷物食品一般摆放在货架上的较低处,而较高层则是成人的同类产品 。
What's more, Tony the Tiger and his kid-friendly pals tend to gaze downward, while the Quaker Oats guy stares straight ahead.
并且托尼虎和它那些友好的儿童小伙伴们一般都是向下看的姿态,而桂格麦片上那个家伙则是抬头直视 。
In a second study, adult volunteers were handed a box of Trix.
而在第二项研究中,成年志愿者们人手一盒Trix谷类食品 。
On some boxes, the rabbit looked straight ahead, on others, he gazed away.
有些盒子的包装上,这只兔子抬头直视,其它则注视远方 。
When asked what they thought of Trix, it seems that folks felt more connected to the brand, and said they preferred that cereal over others, when the rabbit looked them in the eye.
当被问及他们对这些商品的看法时,普通市民们感觉大部分都和这个商品的牌子有关,并且说当感觉盒子上的兔子注视的时候,他们更喜爱这个牌子 。
The results, which appear in the Journal of Environment and Behavior, suggest that certain tricks are not just for kids…but maybe for marketers, too.
这项研究结果目前已经在《环境和行为》杂志上发表,这提示我们这些小把戏不仅可以用在小孩子身上,或许对市场营销人员也很受用 。
1.eye contact 目光接触
Frequent eye contact is interpreted as honesty and forthrightness.
频繁的眼神交流意味着诚实与直率 。
Rehearse this line until you can deliver it with eye contact and a deadpan expression.
反复排练这句台词,直到你可以直视着对方,不动声色地说出这句话 。
2.tend to 易于,倾向于
Smaller laptops also tend to have longer battery life.
小巧的电脑也趋向更长的电池持续时间 。
I tend to prefer light colors.
我往往更喜欢淡颜色 。
3.connect to 连接,相连
Modern visual basic applications often use advanced activex components to connect to data sources.
现代visual basic应用程序经常使用先进的activex组件连接到数据源 。
Stephen dukker says all you need to connect to a network is a keyboard and monitor.
stephen dukker表示,连接网络所需要的全部就是一个键盘和一台显示器 。