Women have plenty to deal with during menopause. There are mood fluctuations and hot flashes. And now a study adds documented memory loss.
更年期的女人有很多问题要应付,包括情绪波动和热潮红 。如今,有一项研究证明更年期还会导致记忆力衰退 。
In previous studies, women reported that they had memory lapses during menopause. The new study wanted to see if there was an objectively arrived-at connection.
在之前的研究中,女性报告说她们在更年期期间出现记忆衰退 。这项新研究想要探究这两者之间是否在客观上存在联系 。
Researchers tested 68 women between ages 44 and 62 years on their attention and recall. All the women had reported having at least 35 hot flashes per week. One test involved looking at a line drawing for 10 seconds and then trying to reproduce the figure immediately afterward. The complexity of the drawing increased over 10 trials. In another test researchers read out a string of numbers and the subjects had to repeat the numbers back.
研究人员对68名年龄介于44至62岁间的女性进行了注意力和记忆力的测试 。据报告,所有女性每周至少会发生35次热潮红 。其中一种测试包括观看线条画10秒钟,然后立即让她们试着重新画一遍 。十次实验之后,提高线条画的复杂程度 。在另一项测试中,研究人员读出一组随机数字,然后让受试者重复一遍听到的数字 。
Women who'd reported trouble remembering indeed performed poorly on tests involving memory. And those who had more, and more extreme, hot flashes did worse on the tests than those who had fewer and less intense hot flashes. The study is published in the journal Menopause.
实际上,那些报告说记忆困难的女性在测试(包含记忆力测试)中表现很差 。并且那些出现潮热次数更多,更严重的女性在测试中比那些出现潮热次数少且不那么严重的女性表现要差得多 。这项研究发表在《更年期》杂志上 。
The study shows that memory issues are indeed associated with menopause. Although in the midst of a hot flash, that assurance might be cold comfort.
这项研究证明记忆问题确实与更年期有关系 。即使处于潮热中,保证可能也算是安慰 。