When it comes to disciplining their young children, there's a big gulf between what parents say they do and what they actually do.
当小孩子被管教的时候,父母们表示所说与所做之间其实有天壤之别 。
New research finds that parents spank or hit more often and for more mundane reasons than researchers previously thought.
但现在新的一项研究表明,更多情况下因为普通事情而掌掴或教训的家长们与之前的推测大相径庭 。
The study followed 33 families from four to six evenings while parents wore audio recorders documenting all interaction with their toddlers, who averaged four-years-of-age.
该研究跟踪调查了33个家庭4到6个晚上的活动,父母们随身佩戴音频记录器记下他们和孩子们所有的交流信息,而孩子们的平均年龄为4周岁 。
Participants were mostly working mothers—80 percent were educated beyond high school and married.
参与调查的母亲多为职业女性—其中80%以上是高中文化程度并且已婚 。
Those parents who approve of corporal punishment contend that they only spank as a last resort, do it only for serious misbehavior and only when they are calm.
那些认同体罚的父母们声称他们只是将其作为最后的无奈之举,只有孩子们犯下滔天大错还沉着冷静时才会用 。
But the recordings often revealed the opposite.
但记录却表明事实刚好相反 。
Parents seemed angry when striking their child, they did it reactively and for minor transgressions.
父母们在体罚孩子的时候听上去很生气,他们用这招相当大程度是为了鸡毛蒜皮的小事 。
On average, spankings happened only 30 seconds after a conflict started, and half the time parents sounded angry before any conflict began.
平均来看,在矛盾开始后30秒,暴力行为就会出现,并且在任何争论开始前有一半的时间父母一方处于非常生气的状态 。
The study is in the Journal of Family Psychology.
该研究已经在《家庭心理学》杂志上发表 。
Previous studies using parental self-reports have estimated that parents spank about 18 times per year.
之前研究评估出父母体罚大概为平均每年18次 。
But this study using real-time audio found the median rate to be 18 times per week—and this is among people who knew they were being monitored.
但这项采用最新实时监听技术进行的研究发现保守大概是每周18次—这还是在当事人知晓的情况下所进行的 。
That means that among the mothers who spanked, half of them spanked more than 18 times per week.
这意味着体罚的母亲之中恐怕有一半人是每周超过18次 。
1.mundane reason 世俗理性
Others cite a more mundane reason for so many lingering marks: many germans, renowned as savers, squirreled away so much cash that they simply forgot where they put it.
另一些人认为,这么多马克还在流通的原因其实很普通:德国人以爱储蓄而闻名,许多德国人攒了太多现金,结果他们都忘了钱放在哪里了 。
Beyond such mundane geopolitical rivalries, the us has a more profound reason to conserve its helium: every balloon inevitably deflates.
除了这些乏味的地缘政治外,节约用氦对美国有更长远的意义:气球总有漏气的一天 。
2.approve of 赞成,赞同
For these approve of that which should be punishable by death.
因为这些人赞成那些应当受到死的惩罚的事 。
Consider whether you approve of those who practice what the bible calls sin.
看一看你自己是不是赞成那些被圣经称为罪的事 。
3.rate to 评为
How high could he hike the short-term interest rate to slow the economy when the jobless rate is so high?
By lowering its target rate to almost zero in 2008, the fed helped save many banks from collapse.
2008年通过把目标利率调低到几乎为零,美联储把许多银行从崩溃中拯救出来 。