A wobbly chair is more than just annoying. Believe it or not, it can influence your values, or beliefs about others.
摇晃的椅子不仅仅令人烦恼 。不管你相信与否,摇晃的椅子还会改变你的价值观,或是你对别人的看法 。
Past studies have shown a link between physical objects and our emotions. Carry a cold drink at a party and you're likely to consider other guests cold and offputting. Hold a warm drink, and you tend to perceive those same people as warm and welcoming.
以往的研究已经证明了物理对象与人类情感之间的联系 。在聚会上手拿冷饮,你可能会觉得其它宾客表现冷淡或者不高兴 。手拿热饮,你则倾向于认为别人是温良友好的 。
In a new study, subjects sat either on wobbly chairs or stable chairs. While seated, they were asked to gauge the stability of several celebrity relationships, for example, Jay-Z and Beyonce.
在一项新的研究里,要求受试者分别坐在摇晃的和稳定的椅子上 。就坐之后,要求他们判断名人的恋情是否会一直稳定,比如说杰伊-Z和碧昂丝 。
Subjects in wobbly chairs judged the celebs to be more likely to break apart, while those who sat on a solid chair felt the celebrity relationships were also solid and more likely to remain intact. The study is in the journal Psychological Science.
坐在摇晃的椅子上的受试者认为那些名人们分手的可能性更大,然而坐在稳固的椅子上的受试者则认为他们的恋情也很稳固,很有可能长久在一起 。本研究成果发表在《心理科学》上 。
The participants were also asked to prioritize what traits they admire in a romantic partner—things like being trustworthy, reliable or adventurous.
在实验过程中也询问了参与者心目中的浪漫伴侣首先要具有什么样的特质——诸如诚实,可靠或者具有冒险精神 。
And those perched on wobbly chairs valued stable traits—like reliability—highest. While those in sturdy chairs were less interested in stability, presumably because they felt like they were already firmly grounded.
那些坐在摇晃椅子的受试者最重视稳定的特质,例如可靠 。然而坐在坚固的椅子上的受试者则对稳定的特质不那么感兴趣,大概是觉得牢牢植根在一个地方的感觉并不好吧 。