日期:2015-07-27 17:51


She was a little revived, however, by his bringing back his coffee cup himself; and she seized the opportunity of saying, "Is your sister at Pemberley still?"


"Yes, she will remain there till Christmas."


"And quite alone? Have all her friends left her?"


"Mrs. Annesley is with her. The others have been gone on to Scarborough, these three weeks."


She could think of nothing more to say; but if he wished to converse with her, he might have better success. He stood by her, however, for some minutes, in silence; and, at last, on the young lady's whispering to Elizabeth again, he walked away.


When the teathings were removed, and the card tables placed, the ladies all rose, and Elizabeth was then hoping to be soon joined by him, when all her views were overthrown by seeing him fall a victim to her mother's rapacity for whist players, and in a few moments after seated with the rest of the party. She now lost every expectation of pleasure. They were confined for the evening at different tables, and she had nothing to hope, but that his eyes were so often turned towards her side of the room, as to make him play as unsuccessfully as herself.


Mrs. Bennet had designed to keep the two Netherfield gentlemen to supper; but their carriage was unluckily ordered before any of the others, and she had no opportunity of detaining them.


"Well girls," said she, as soon as they were left to themselves, "What say you to the day? I think every thing has passed off uncommonly well, I assure you. The dinner was as well dressed as any I ever saw. The venison was roasted to a turn and everybody said they never saw so fat a haunch. The soup was fifty times better than what we had at the Lucases' last week; and even Mr. Darcy acknowledged, that the partridges were remarkably well done; and I suppose he has two or three French cooks at least. And, my dear Jane, I never saw you look in greater beauty. Mrs. Long said so too, for I asked her whether you did not. And what do you think she said besides?


  • expectationn. 期待,期望
  • confinedadj. 幽禁的;狭窄的;有限制的;在分娩中的 v. 限
  • silencen. 沉默,寂静 vt. 使安静,使沉默
  • opportunityn. 机会,时机
  • assurevt. 使确信,使放心,确保
  • victimn. 受害者,牺牲
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • conversen. 相反的事物,倒,逆向 adj. 相反的,逆向的,倒