日期:2014-07-18 09:46


The farewell between herself and Mr. Wickham was perfectly friendly; on his side even more. His present pursuit could not make him forget that Elizabeth had been the first to excite and to deserve his attention, the first to listen and to pity, the first to be admired; and in his manner of bidding her adieu, wishing her every enjoyment, reminding her of what she was to expect in Lady Catherine de Bourgh, and trusting their opinion of her their opinion of every body would always coincide, there was a solicitude, an interest which she felt must ever attach her to him with a most sincere regard; and she parted from him convinced that, whether married or single, he must always be her model of the amiable and pleasing.

Her fellow-travellers the next day were not of a kind to make her think him less agreeable. Sir William Lucas and his daughter Maria, a good humoured girl, but as empty-headed as himself, had nothing to say that could be worth hearing, and were listened to with about as much delight as the rattle of the chaise. Elizabeth loved absurdities, but she had known Sir William's too long. He could tell her nothing new of the wonders of his presentation and knighthood; and his civilities were worn out like his information.
It was a journey of only twenty-four miles, and they began it so early as to be in Gracechurch-street by noon. As they drove to Mr. Gardiner's door, Jane was at a drawing-room window watching their arrival; when they entered the passage she was there to welcome them, and Elizabeth, looking earnestly in her face, was pleased to see it healthful and lovely as ever. On the stairs were a troop of little boys and girls, whose eagerness for their cousin's appearance would not allow them to wait in the drawing-room, and whose shyness, as they had not seen her for a twelvemonth, prevented their coming lower. All was joy and kindness. The day passed most pleasantly away; the morning in bustle and shopping, and the evening at one of the theatres.

  • trustingadj. 信任的;轻信的 v. 信赖(trust的ing
  • pityn. 同情,怜悯,遗憾,可惜 v. 同情,怜悯
  • delightn. 高兴,快乐 v. (使)高兴,(使)欣喜
  • solicituden. 焦虑;渴望;担心
  • kindnessn. 仁慈,好意
  • farewelladj. 告别的 int. 再会,别了 n. 告别
  • presentationn. 陈述,介绍,赠与 n. [美]讲课,报告
  • agreeableadj. 愉快的,和蔼可亲的,欣然同意的,一致的
  • rattlevi. 嘎嘎作响,喋喋不休 vt. 使激动,使作响,急促
  • convincedadj. 信服的