日期:2014-11-20 16:59


And when her sisters abused it as ugly, she added, with perfect unconcern, "Oh! but there were two or three much uglier in the shop; and when I have bought some prettier coloured satin to trim it with fresh, I think it will be very tolerable. Besides, it will not much signify what one wears this summer after the ----shire have left Meryton, and they are going in a fortnight."

"Are they indeed?" cried Elizabeth, with the greatest satisfaction.
"They are going to be encamped near Brighton; and I do so want papa to take us all there for the summer! It would be such a delicious scheme, and I dare say would hardly cost any thing at all. Mamma would like to go too, of all things! Only think what a miserable summer else we shall have!"
"Yes," thought Elizabeth, "that would be a delightful scheme, indeed, and completely do for us at once. Good Heaven! Brighton, and a whole campful of soldiers, to us, who have been overset already by one poor regiment of militia, and the monthly balls of Meryton."
"Now I have got some news for you," said Lydia, as they sat down to table. "What do you think? It is excellent news, capital news, and about a certain person that we all like."

  • schemen. 方案,计划,阴谋 v. 计画,设计,体系,结构,图
  • trimn. 整齐,装饰,修剪下来的部分 adj. 整洁的,匀称
  • unconcernn. 不感兴趣,不担忧
  • delightfuladj. 令人愉快的,可喜的
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • miserableadj. 悲惨的,痛苦的,贫乏的
  • militian. 民兵组织,义勇军,国民军
  • satisfactionn. 赔偿,满意,妥善处理,乐事,确信
  • signifyvt. 表示,预示,意味着,象征 vi. 有重要性
  • tolerableadj. 可容忍的, adj. 还不错的