日期:2015-04-13 14:11


THE whole party were in hopes of a letter from Mr. Bennet the next morning, but the post came in without bringing a single line from him. His family knew him to be, on all common occasions, a most negligent and dilatory correspondent, but at such a time they had hoped for exertion. They were forced to conclude that he had no pleasing intelligence to send, but even of that they would have been glad to be certain. Mr. Gardiner had waited only for the letters before he set off.

When he was gone, they were certain at least of receiving constant information of what was going on, and their uncle promised, at parting, to prevail on Mr. Bennet to return to Longbourn as soon as he could, to the great consolation of his sister, who considered it as the only security for her husband's not being killed in a duel.
Mrs. Gardiner and the children were to remain in Hertfordshire a few days longer, as the former thought her presence might be serviceable to her nieces. She shared in their attendance on Mrs. Bennet, and was a great comfort to them in their hours of freedom. Their other aunt also visited them frequently, and always, as she said, with the design of cheering and heartening them up, though as she never came without reporting some fresh instance of Wickham's extravagance or irregularity, she seldom went away without leaving them more dispirited than she found them.

  • concludevi. 总结,作出决定 vt. 使结束,推断出,缔结
  • presencen. 出席,到场,存在 n. 仪态,风度
  • extravagancen. 奢侈,浪费,放肆的言行
  • comfortn. 舒适,安逸,安慰,慰藉 vt. 安慰,使舒适
  • correspondentn. 通讯记者,通信者 adj. 与 ... 一致的,相
  • irregularityn. 不规则性,不规则的事物 n. 便秘
  • exertionn. 努力,发挥,运用
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • dilatoryadj. 缓慢的,拖拉的,拖延的
  • serviceableadj. 可用的,易于服务的,有用的,耐用的