日期:2014-07-04 11:45


Without supposing them, from what she saw, to be very seriously in love, their preference of each other was plain enough to make her a little uneasy; and she resolved to speak to Elizabeth on the subject before she left Hertfordshire, and represent to her the imprudence of encouraging such an attachment.
To Mrs. Gardiner, Wickham had one means of affording pleasure, unconnected with his general powers. About ten or a dozen years ago, before her marriage, she had spent a considerable time in that very part of Derbyshire to which he belonged. They had, therefore, many acquaintance in common; and, though Wickham had been little there since the death of Darcy's father, five years before, it was yet in his power to give her fresher intelligence of her former friends, than she had been in the way of procuring.
Mrs. Gardiner had seen Pemberley, and known the late Mr. Darcy by character perfectly well. Here, consequently, was an inexhaustible subject of discourse. In comparing her recollection of Pemberley with the minute description which Wickham could give, and in bestowing her tribute of praise on the character of its late possessor, she was delighting both him and herself. On being made acquainted with the present Mr. Darcy's treatment of him, she tried to remember something of that gentleman's reputed disposition, when quite a lad, which might agree with it, and was confident at last that she recollected having heard Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy formerly spoken of as a very proud, ill-natured boy.

  • intelligencen. 理解力,智力 n. 情报,情报工作,情报机关
  • dispositionn. 性情,倾向,安排,处置,控制 [计算机] 配置情况
  • consequentlyadv. 所以,因此
  • uneasyadj. 不自在的,心神不安的,不稳定的,不舒服的
  • preferencen. 偏爱,优先,喜爱物
  • descriptionn. 描写,描述,说明书,作图,类型
  • inexhaustibleadj. 用不完的,无穷的,不知疲倦的
  • discoursen. 谈话,演讲 vi. 谈话,讲述 vt. 叙述,讨论
  • reputedadj. 名誉好的,驰名的,有名气的 动词repute的
  • plainn. 平原,草原 adj. 清楚的,坦白的,简单的,平坦